<p>I had a quick question about the entry level writing exam. It's telling me that I must take the exam, but what is it for anyways? Is it to place me in the correct English class? Because if so, what if I already have taken a college level English course (English 101) and passed with a B at a local junior college? Am I exempt from the entry level writing exam? </p>
<p>The purpose of the exam is, just like u said, to place u into a correct level english course at UCR once the fall term (or whatever term u r going to) starts. As for the community college course, i was in the same situation as u, i took an english course called english 100 at my local community college, so i thought i was exempt from the exam, but later found out that the english class i took does not count towards the credit so i have to take the exam this saturday. I STRONGLY advise u to check out this website [Welcome</a> to ASSIST](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST) to see if ur course counts or not, if not you will have to take the test as well</p>
<p>I checked and the course I took was deemed UC-E transferable. Does that mean I am exempt? </p>
<p>[ASSIST</a> Report: LAEC 09-10 UC Transfer Course Agreement](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST)</p>
<p>well, if it is UC-E then according to the website, it is transferable for english credit, but just in case, i would still email Jill Cantonwine (<a href=“mailto:Jill.Cantonwine@ucr.edu”>Jill.Cantonwine@ucr.edu</a>) for she is in charge of this thing (if my memory serves me correctly, but she is the one who helped me out, and she reply pretty fast)</p>
<p>btw, i just realized how small the world is to find someone going to ELAC, i actually live closer to ELAC but was forced to go to PCC to take my english course since ELAC was full haha. Anyways nice to meet u</p>
<p>Nice to meet you too, incoming freshmen @ UCR? :D</p>
<p>yep, a biochem major at UCR’s CNAS</p>
<p>ROFL! Same here biochem! dorming?</p>
<p>hopefully pentland double</p>
<p>Haha438: It did not count because any course that is 100 and below is generally considered remedial courses and is not a college level course.</p>
<p>Reddit: If you have taken English 101 it will transfer over and articulated as English 01A. I took English 101 and English 102H at a JC and it was transfered over as English 01A, 01B, 01C. And by logic I would assume you would be exempted from the entry level writing exam since you have completed an entry level English course with a satisfactory grade.</p>
<p>@DarkPrince: well if u were talking about my english 100 doesn’t count, yeah i already know that and did take the writing exam</p>