EOP Decision

Hi, so I applied to Binghamton through EOP in November 2015. I have been accepted in to round 2, and submitted those documents in January, when I was notified of my academic eligibility. Yet I have not heard back. Several of may peers have heard back from other SUNYs they applied EOP. When will EOP hear back for Fall 2016?

That’s my thing too! I applied for EOP back in early November and I sent in everything but the waiting game is really a hassle Ughhhhhh, but just make sure to keep checking your email, and all EOP applicants will get a decision by April 1st, so any day now ur decision can arrive which they told me! Good luck!

@jasming98 heard anything from them yet???

Nope, I have not. I even called them and they told me that I have to wait until April 1. It seems as though Bing is slow with NYC because my friend who applied to Bing RD was recently accepted. I’m going to call again if I do’t hear by April 1. Have you heard back? @Shelly215

And your friend doesn’t live in NYC area right? OMG the wait is crazy, but on the 29th of March the portal is going to be unavailable due to maintainece and upgrading so I’m assuming the decisions are going up on that day??? So scared man @jasming98

@Shelly215 Oh no she is from NYC. And hopefully it does come out the 29.

@jasming98 did you send your mid Year report to them?

@Shelly215 I did just because I had done EXCEPTIONALLY well… so much that it might shoot me out of EOP lol

Awee MANNNNN hopefully not!! Bc I did the same thing!!! @LlenrocPeoh

Back again. Ha ha, it’s great you guys are doing so well. I also did really really well and I was terribly worried that my mid year report would shoot me out of EOP. But it didn’t, and I got in. So hopefully you guys get accepted soon!!

Do you think theyre still accepting?? It’s almost April 1st :frowning: @didyoucallme

I wouldn’t lose hope unless a rejection letter comes, otherwise, it is very possible for them to still accept you before and on April 1st.

Hey. It’s April 2nd, good news?

Waitlisted SMFH I think I’m fount to stony hbu @didyoucallme

@Shelly215 You got into Stony Brook EOP?
and for me…
I have other options, I absolutely want to go to Binghamton, and that may be official soon or not, depending on if the financial aid Package from Univ. of Rochester is great, but none-the-less, I dreamt for Bing.

Other schools (all under reg. admissions)

  1. Univ. at Buffalo
  2. Albany
  3. Waitlisted\Guaranteed Accepted for 2017 term, at Geneseo.
  4. Hunter College
  5. Pace

Much more, if it interests you I can give you the complete list. But besides that, so is Stony and Buffalo your options right now?

I think I’m going to stony Brook for EOP! Idk I have to pay 10k per year but I wanna know how much I pay per semester @didyoucallme

@Shelly215 That sounds great!!!