<p>Lets say a student gets into one of New York state EOP program colleges.Does this make him special?Is this program for somebody with some kind of learning disorder?</p>
<p>Also what really bothers me is at the end of the college can this person get a real job and will college help them with getting it?I mean lets say a kid finished EOP business school in Cornell so will they help him get a job as a businessman on Wall street or will they make him to woek as a janitor or something?</p>
<p>It just means that s/he is low income and may be academically disadvantaged as a result of being low income (poor schools, no opportunities for test prep or advising) but shows a lot of academic promise and with a little help can be successful.</p>
<p>FYI, there is no “business school” at Cornell. Once you get accepted to Cornell, no one is going to treat you any differently. what you do once you get there is up to you. Your degree will nto say Cornell EOP.</p>
<p>In our state and I would assume in NY state, the EOP program offers support and guidance throughout the college years. It is there to ensure that students who may start off disadvantaged end up with all the same advantages as other students. If you are considering it you should go for it.</p>