<p>I just got SAT scores, and was expecting around 2100-2200, but ended up with 2040. I was almost positive that i got an 800 in math also. the breakdown went 710 math 670 CR and 660 W. I had a terrible eraswer and on the math section i had three bad erase marks and a 4th one that i almost got rid of. I heard somewhere that you can get your test handscored if you feel there was a mistake with the scoring, and i was wondering how i would go about this. I'm pretty sure i will get three back on math, what will this bump me up to?</p>
<p>It costs $50.</p>
<p>Just retake it and make sure you don't fill in the answer until you are done with the entire section -> that way you can recheck while filling in</p>
<p>I had the same problem too (wonder if it affected my score?)</p>
<p>It will bump you to a 780 in Math</p>
<p>i think im going to do it, and still retake. I just feel like it will take some pressure off me if i retake with a 780 math and can focus more on CR.</p>