<p>I can't think of anything profound to write about. The given prompts are difficult for me to work with, so I really want to do the Topic of Your Own Choice. I can't really think of anything great in my life to write about. I haven't done anything super rewarding like teach English to Somalian kids. I don't have any great skills like solving Rubik's Cubes in 10 seconds. </p>
<p>I thought about writing an ABCD (American Born Confused Desi/ Indian) essay, but that seems kind of hackneyed and cliched. My brother also wrote an essay in this mold, and I plan on applying to a lot of the same places that he did. </p>
<p>I already wrote an essay, but I'm not a big fan of it. It seems to pessimistic and better than thou.</p>
<p>I'm confident in my writing, it's just that I need something to write about. If you guys could please guide me into choosing an essay topic, that would be greatly appreciated.</p>