<p>Hey everyone! </p>
<p>So I have been pretty active on CC, possibly due to my month long obsession over college (it was really getting rather unhealthy), so I feel like my stats have already been posted somewhere. If not, I will give the quick basics. </p>
<p>If you already know, or just don't care, please feel free to skip to the bottom. </p>
<p>3.95 unweighted GPA.
Senior courses: AP European History Independent Study(not offered at my crap Southern Il school), AP English 4(Brit Lit), AP Bio 2, AP US Gov, AP French 4, Hon Pre-Calc(ding ding ding! there's my biggest flaw).
Test Scores: Well, I cannot really tell you, seeing as I have not taken the ones that I plan on submitting. My first ACT was a 31(bleh), first SAT was a 2120, US History Subject test was a 720. I will be majoring in poli sci or something of the sort. will be taking the math2 and bio subject tests in the fall(only because they usually reqeust a math and a science, i might take Lit on the same day but I am not sure if 3 in one day is a wise choice). </p>
<p>EC's: V Tennis, V Speech, V Scholar Bowl (wont be doing any of those in college or as a pro or anything of that sort), founder and President of Women In Politics club at school, president of Key Club, now state Lt. Governor of Key Club in Illinois(one of 25 for state, but first from my school EVER), Freshman Mentor, Lifesaver, Global Initiative Organization VP, NHS, 3 summer jobs to pay for my car and car insurance, and I now am the only High School Intern selected to work directly for the Lt. Governor of the state of Illinois (Simon). Not a URM, although my father is a native Iranian and my mother is a Jew, making me a Persian Jew:) that should be a URM if you ask me. Parents are divorced, fathers in California with new family, we make about $55,000 annually. All of my family has only attended Southern Illinois University, although my mother went to a fairly small but accomplished law school and now works legal aid with a Harvard Grad. </p>
<p>Due to my family's annual income, and the fact that my family believes that there is no reason I should not be satisfied with a SIU education, I have not been financially able to attend the countless leadership classes and forums I have been invited to(I might put that I was at least invited on my apps?...)However, my school and District Board as well as my local Kiwanis has paid for me to go to International Convention in Arizona this summer (i am counting that as a summer experience). Also, I won an essay contest on news media that won me a trip to Washington DC sponsored by local Electric Coops. I usually spend half of my summer in California...being Persian. </p>
<p>I am female by the way. </p>
<p>Alright there is more but it is not important. I apologize that is the opposite of short.</p>
<p>So, point. I am starting my application process, in the midst of all of my ACT/SAT studying, summer work, summer homework, and Key Club travel. I need to write my Common App Essay before the end of the summer, and then I can edit it before I apply EA in the fall. Please give me any ideas you may have, either general ideas (please give some explaination and elaboration:)), or if you would like to use my given info to help me find a topic, that would be great as well. </p>
<p>So bottom line, sorry for the novel I wrote here, and also, I thank you very much for all of your help and/or support!
You know I need it and will appreciate it!Thanks!</p>