
“No great man live in vain. The history of the world is but biography of great men.
Adapted from Thomas Carlyle, “The Hero of Divinity”</p>

<p>In historic events, the so-called great men are labels giving names to events and like labels they have but the smallest connection to the event itself.
Adapted from Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace</p>

<p>Assignment: Can the daily actions of average people have a significant impact on the course of history?</p>


<p>The history of America is extremely rich. America has been through several monumental events to come to where it has been today. Although many incredible people have impacted the history of America, America would be nothing without the everyday people. So, the daily actions of average people can have a significant impact on the course of history.
The Civil Rights movement brought together many average people. These so called average people came together to stop discrimination in America. Each person decided to stand up for what they believed and together they changed the history of America. Martin Luther King was the extraordinary person in the Civil Rights movement but the average people are who made the movement successful.
When Barack Obama ran for President, average people came together. The average people of America decided it was time for an African American President so they decided to take the daily action of voting and make it have an impact on history. The so called average people of America came together to accomplish something amazing and made a significant impact on the course of history in America.
One person cannot ultimately change history, but, when many people come together history can be greatly altered. Without average people and their daily actions America would not have such a rich history.</p>

<p>anyone have a score?</p>