Essay Tips for Hispanic Students

<p>Since my pms and recent posts have been about essay help I am posting a link to an article I received today via email about essay tips for college applications. Make</a> Your Stories Pop: College Application Essay Checklist |</p>

<p>Get Me To College website is a wonderful resource directed at Hispanic students. Be sure to read the article about Dr. Joseph's presentation on essay tips at the HCAC conference that was discussed in the New York Times education blog. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>It appears the link that is in the email does not appear online so I am posting it here. [Stuck</a> on the Essay? Try Writing a Letter to an Imaginary College Roommate -](<a href=“]Stuck”>Stuck on the Essay? Try Writing a Letter to an Imaginary College Roommate - The New York Times) Be sure to read the comments since I found those helpful also.</p>