Hispanic Student -- College Essay!

<p>I need help. I am currently brainstorming for my essay to UC's. (I know I am a little bit late but I am not that late haha)
Okay so I'm writing my essay and I seriously want people's opinions. I am going to post my essay. It is NOT my final essay by any means. I have to edit it like 300 million times still. It has no structure really, but it has most of the ideas that I want to include in it. Give me any feedback and if you have any corrections or proofreading please don't hesitate to let me know !! :D</p>

<p>Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
It is commonly thought that the peer’s one surrounds themselves with, and the community that he or she is a part of, makes one who he or she is. This cannot be completely true for my situation. My story is a little bit different, but also makes me unique. I grew up in an urban city that did not provide a highly educative system, but as a young child I had already begun to take interest in my studies. My mother was always working to provide for my sister and I, and while she was working my grandmother took care of us. As a first generation child in the family, most of the adults had no true desire to make sure that we were on top of our studies and becoming educated little kids. I apparently did not need that. I began to bother my mother and grandmother and aunt, whoever was around basically, to listen to me recite a stack of books as tall as my shoulder. I would constantly correct my mother’s bad English, but this never seemed strange to me. My dreams have been shaped from these little things. I cherish my desire for a better life through education. I have always wanted to be better than the typical person flying by life. I dedicate my motivation to do better to my parents. My family, although not the walking example of success, have showed me that I want something better for myself.
The world I belong to has never been a stable one. Since I have a single mother it was never an easy thing. Even though my mother made barely enough to get us by, she did want something better for her children. She would sacrifice her own down time to pay off for my violin lessons, dance class, recital costumes, instruments, and other expenses that came with those activities. I thank my mother for that because if it was not for her I would have never been able to experience the most memorable experiences of my life. I learned to have passion for everything I did. I knew that I really was not in any position to be in part of these great teams and that is where my drive towards improving myself and applying myself to each extracurricular I did. These activities that I was a part of sparked a lot of ambition and I felt like I could conquer the world. My aspirations have changed as I grow, but the one thing that has not changed is my dedication to everything that I do. After becoming a vegetarian in the summer of 2010 I also realized that I wanted to make a difference in the lives’ of animals undergoing cruelty. I am very compassionate.</p>

<p>You are right - this needs alot of work. A simple spell check should be your first resource for some of the grammatical errors. If you would like to clean it up, organize your thoughts better, and fix some of the glaring errors (at least I can easily spot them) I’d be happy to help you. Otherwise it looks like you just wrote something quickly and want someone else to fix everything for you. (I’m a mom - this the same thing I’d make my own daughter do if she gave me the this essay for review).</p>

<p>Basically you have some good thoughts but they are very disorganized and those last few sentences are just out of nowhere and do not tie into the essay at all.</p>

<p>Yes I know I just wanted to make sure I got most of my thoughts before I forgot. I’m naturally a disorganized writer so what would you suggest in terms of organization ? I can reword and change some of my word choices.</p>

<p>The opening sentence is good but it needs better structure. Then write a couple of sentences about your background. What is a first generation child (I think I know what you mean but this is very unclear so explain that better)? The “educated little kids” bit needs work - very poor choice of words. Then write about how you adapated to your environment (the part about the books). “Constantly correcting my mother’s bad English” makes you sound like a brat - “helped” my mother with her pronounciation or grammar is a much better way to say the same thing. Several of your statements come across as condenscing (“apparently I didn’t need it” “always wanted to be better than the typical person flying by life”). These same thoughts could be stated in more positive ways. End the essay with how your early life shaped your goals and ambitions for your future. How did your aspirations change? Explain the vegeterian and animal cruelty ideas better - perhaps how they relate to whatever you wish to major in. Otherwise, keep them out of your essay. </p>

<p>Those are just a few of the things you need to reword and/or change. Again, I’m not going to rewrite your essay for you. If you rewrite it, send it to me in a private message and I’ll read it again.</p>