I’m nearing completion with a few of my essays and I was wondering a few things. All my colleges are CommonApp, with supplements (only a few of the supplements require additional essays). So this means there is that 500 word essay that all of us are either working on or finishing. But I know it accepts more than 500 words, but I think the recommendation is around 500 - and I know to keep the essay short and sweet. But how long are your average essays? Most people I know go over the limit by a little and I was wondering if most essays are over 500 or not…
<p>mine were 600 and 550 I believe. As long as it's in the ball park, it doesn't matter. With those essays, I got into Georgetown EA. If what you're writing is really good, it won't feel like it's too long.</p>
<p>My essay is 496 words and it got me into NYU. I think the limit is semi-important. If your submitting the common app online isn't the 500 word limit enforced?</p>
<p>Ehh.. I submitted my CommonApp already with an essay 850even words, 4,921 characters, incl. spaces. I've heard that the space allotted allows 1000 words.
I don't think the word limit is reinforced that much.. But then again, I haven't been accepted yet (Waiting for 04/05).
Just make sure it doesn't look TOO long in your print preview, because that's exactly what the colleges see.</p>