<p>Does anybody have some tips on brainstorming for essays? I have been working on my essays and I just cannot think of things to write about...</p>
<p>I feel like I'm going to run out of time if it continues on like this, and I'll be scrambling to write my essays during Christmas vacation.</p>
<p>Think of the topic, and list EVERYTHING that comes to mind. Once you get about a page full, cross of things that aren’t worthy of an essay or you think would be weird to write about. Sooner or later you should come to one good topic, and then do the same. Write a page filled with what comes to your mind, then eliminate. This is a technique I use when I have writers’-block. Best of luck!</p>
<p>My kids always found it helpful to talk out ideas. It’s like a verbal form of the prewriting that triangles describes.</p>
Don’t most applicants write their essays over Christmas vacation?</p>
<p>GMT- well my brother didnt at least; he sent his app in completely during Christmas. Which is why I’m sort of following in his footsteps
I actually thought most people did them early lol</p>
<p>Thanks for the help neatoburrito and triangles!</p>