Estimated Family Contribution

<p>I recently logged onto my mother's PFS account and saw that the family report was available to view the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC). I realize that the EFC may change when the 2010 tax forms are received and that schools may give you more or less than the EFC, but I just wanted to notify prospective families that the estimate is available if you are curious.</p>

<p>Note: My mother submitted her PFS quite early (mid-november) so if you submitted it later, the Family Report may be unavailable.</p>

<p>The EFC is helpful, but the school may - at it’s option - give more or less depending on the circumstances. So don’t hold it as a hard and fast rule.</p>

<p>What I found hysterical last year was the tag line that added $2,000 to the amount we could pay to account for the food my daughter would not be eating at home.</p>

<p>Hah! She makes up for it when she’s home over vacation - We buy all her favorite foods or go to her favorite restaurants so I want a credit for those expenses. lol!</p>