I like so many OXO products.
Have to say, with 14" yesterday, my ‘why not sooner?’ is, you guessed it, my snowblower. I got it dirt cheap, Cyber Monday '15. Just used it yesterday. (Rather, D1’s bf did.)
Referencing my post #777. I received the Ecoegg and am very happy with it. I just put it in the washer each time a need to wash a load. No issues so far with my sensitive skin. So nice to no longer have to purchase bottles of detergent. It is supposed to last 864 washes so lets see I think I should be good at least for minimum two years.
You can store the lettuce in the spinner (as is) and it keeps forever. The top part flattens, so it fits in the fridge easily - you can even put other bowls etc. on top of it. The bottom can also be used as a serving bowl should you want. Just dump it out of the perforated part - make sure the “bowl” is dry - and serve. Me - I just keep it in the perforated part and grab lettuce as I need it.
Do you add a clean paper towel while storing lettuce? I find that if I include a clean/dry paper towel/napkin in a lettuce container or an opened lettuce bag, the lettuce keeps much longer. I change the napkin out as needed, if it gets too damp.
@doschicos, try some of their more exotic combinations – pear and cardamom is very delicate. OTOH, raspberry habanero or pineapple jalapeno really do have a bit of a spicy bite!
@katliamom I don’t like pear (strange I know) and am not a fan of spicy sweet stuff really. (I sound like a picky eater but I swear I’m not.) People have raved to me about the coconut but they didn’t have it at my local store.
I wish we had Costco where I live because Noosa is definitely expensive regular to what I used to buy.
Yeah, @mom2collegekids, that is my one complaint with them. I love the texture and the flavors but wish they would cut back on the sugar a bit. I think they could without compromising the product.
A blueberry Noosa cup is 140 calories and 15 g of sugar (and not all of it is added sugar BTW - a good deal of it is lactose that came from the milk). Here is some info: