Excitement building for Christmas Break!!

<p>O.K., I am currently baking D's favorite cupcakes (red velvet), washing her bedding, and putting up a mini Christmas tree in her room. I pick her up from the airport on Thursday, but have a super busy day tomorrow, so need to get it all done today. Anyone else out there getting excited for the first visit back home since they sent their Freshman off to college? What are you doing to prepare?</p>

<p>Yesterday I picked up the PJs D left scattered on her bathroom floor when she went back from her Thanksgiving visit :slight_smile: I’m thinking about vacuuming her room. H is trying to resist the annual “man on the roof” ritual. The dog is being totally oblivious. Big sis is off to some fun place with her BF. The cat is probably shredding my drapes… again… </p>

<p>Yeah! We are ready and very excited!</p>

<p>Not the first visit back home. But this year is the first Christmas that she can truly enjoy and celebrate. Finals will be over. Last Christmas, she had to do college apps. The Christmas before, she couldn’t go out with her friends because she had to prep for the Jan SAT.</p>

<p>Soph D called yesterday to make sure I hadn’t make her plane reservations back to school in Jan. She says she’ll probably want to go back early… way early… with a stop off in nearby “hip” city for several days for concerts and hanging with friends.
Yea, we’re really feeling the love this year…</p>

<p>I can’t wait. Haven’t seen freshman D since September 30. I just cleaned her bathroom, which she had “cleaned” before she left, if you know what I mean. Tomorrow night, I’ll vacuum her room and do her bedding and maybe dust, if I get brave. She did not exactly leave it spotless, but I’d like her to come home to something that is fresh and tidy. We pick her up Friday evening at 8:59 from the airport. We’ll get the Christmas tree Saturday and bake cookies on Sunday after church. The best part is that most of her friends are on the semester system and won’t get into town until a week later, so we get her to ourselves for a while! :)</p>

<p>This year, for the first time, D will split the holidays between families. We get her the week before and on Christmas, BF & his family get her the week after. Then they will return to school together from his out of state hometown. D & BF spent Thanksgiving here with us.</p>

<p>Stupid question - Does this still mean things are “serious” the way it once did?</p>

<p>I’m so excited everyone is calling me pathetic. I’m hoping for lots of snow and being snowbound with all of my kid’s who are rarely in the same room these days.</p>

<p>I know - I am really excited too, though I know she will be on my last nerve by the time she goes - or maybe by the weekend, depending on how many eye rolls I get.</p>

<p>Daughter graduated in June, moved to college July 8 for orientation and a second summer session class, and was home for six days in August (between summer and fall sessions). She hasn’t been here since then. Her room is cleaner than it has ever been and, as of yesterday, fresh sheets on bed. </p>



<p>If people knew how excited I am they would definitely call me pathetic.</p>



<p>Oh, I’m sure we’ll drive her crazy and she’ll miss the freedom she has at college…</p>

<p>Neither of my college girls have been home since September, so yes I am very excited !! It will be too short a visit, and the pressure is on to fit in hair appointments, Christmas party for work friends and dentist ( not going to happen since he is on vacation )
I just want to make their favorite foods , relax and enjoy their company before they are gone again</p>

<p>My S comes home Saturday after being gone since mid-September. I can’t wait to see him, and he is eager to come home. He loves his school, but misses privacy and peace/quiet. He has 3 roommates at school, and says he is looking forward to going into a room that no one else will be barging into. One of his roommates was using an electric drill the other night at 2am removing the pull-up bar he had installed. Ouch!</p>

<p>We are planning to visit some natural history/ancient civilization museums that we both love. I am going food shopping tomorrow to stock up on the things on his list. Our food bill will skyrocket while he is home, but I don’t mind at all.</p>

<p>haha…daughter walked in at 3:47 today and was asleep by 3:51…looks like she has some catching up to do…</p>

<p>Hopefully that means she was studying hard, rodney! My son doesn’t come back till closer to Christmas. He’s been gone since August, so I can’t wait. It will be wonderful to have him home.</p>

<p>We (with grandma and grandpa) leave Sunday to travel to S#1’s graduation from the U of Hawaii!!! S#2 & 3 will travel from their respective schools during the week as their finals end and will make it just in time for the ceremony. Then it’s on to Maui for the holidays. We haven’t all been together since last Christmas (last saw S#1 on Jan 5th), so I can’t even explain how excited I am right now. Happy holidays to all.</p>

<p>Wow, graduation, family all together, and in Hawaii for the holidays! Doesn’t get much better. Congrats to your son!</p>

<p>This will be a great holiday for us as well although it will be the last winter break for D who’ll be graduating in the spring. S does freelance so he can spend two weeks with us. Both kids are coming back East (tonight and tomorrow), and the grands will be with us as well (not to mention D’s BF who’ll be briefly visiting). Just have fingers crossed that winter weather will allow us to do all the things we’ve got planned!!!</p>

<p>Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season!</p>