<p>I'm just curious as to what the respective dorm stereotypes are? My buddy AT Exeter had some to say, but I, of COURSE, completely forgot - except for Merrill, which is the 'mean girls' dorm LOL, it's good survival instinct on my part. Oh, and Dvnbar (yeah I did a v) is a party dorm? I may be off... my memory sucks.</p>
<p>if you get into exeter, you’ll find out</p>
<p>LOL. Hopefully I do [get in]!</p>
<p>arent u put in dorms randomly? how can one dorm be a party dorm?</p>
<p>they place you in a fitting dorm according to your interests, it’s true that some dorms have some stereotypical qualities (such as the athletic dorm), but the joy of going to exeter is finding about all these things! :D</p>
<p>Lol… yeah my buddy is in Webster, and he said it’s a pretty jock-y dorm. (I think he’s in Webster.)</p>
<p>O Ok thats cooll…do all boarding schools do this. I had the conception that it was totally random.</p>
<p>You can request dorms, I’m pretty sure. But most people entering have no idea how the name relates to the interests.</p>
<p>Whoa whoa whoa now. Don’t be hating Merrill now. I can assure you it is NOT a mean dorm, infact it’s a '‘fly below the radar dorm.’ I guess that proves my next point, every dorm will seem different to everyone. There really aren’t any true dorm stereotypes this year.</p>
<p>which dorm lax the rules the most?</p>
<p>Eh, there isn’t a big winner that takes the title, a lot of the dorms are equally chill. You will see this most often in guys’ dorms, but Dvnbar is cool depending on who’s on duty. Then dorms like McConnell will be happy as long as you are in on time and don’t have guys in the dorm (meaning they can stay up as late as they want.)</p>
<p>oh yea, what are the rules on guys being in your room or dorm?</p>
<p>For Merrill? You have to stay with in the time for Visitations, or V’s. So 7-8 on school nights, or I think 7-10:45 on ‘weekends.’ Door halfway open I’m assuming, but mine accidentally closed and no one cared. As long as you aren’t getting it on, the dorm faculty are pretty chill. I mean, that isn’t to say people don’t get illegal V’s. I know people who do, but the key I suppose is to not get caught, and in a dorm like mine, if you are, you are screwed. No pun intended. Actually it was kinda intended. =)</p>
<p>Haha Sportincountry. Yeah, when I first visited Exeter, the guy I know that goes there showed me his dorm in Webster. It was nice… pretty small because he was on the top floor (with the cute little window cubby) but it wasn’t bad. Then the second time I went there to actually do an interview, he wanted to show me something in it, but Ms. Zia was on so he said “it’s best we not risk it” lol.</p>
<p>What about houses? Do you know the rule? I’d be an upper, so does that mean I’ll definitely be placed in a house?</p>
<p>merril is sort of known for being REALLY REALLY STRICT. i’ve heard stories of like almost every prep being on sevens for stuff like a “messy room.” my friend had a messy room in my dorm our fac is just like, “clear the doorway.”</p>
<p>Haha, yeah. I can see that mmoynan. Mrs. Zia actually, I know her daughter.</p>
<p>As for houses, same concept. Depends who is on duty. It’s not for sure that you would be placed there, likely, but not positive by any means.</p>
<p>Hahah, almost everyone prep. <em>pops hypothetical collar</em> This year I would have to agree with the thought that our preps need somewhat strict dorms fac. At the same time, party!</p>
<p>so to put you in dorms they do a survey or something?
sorry if i seem a bit slow, still catching on =)</p>
<p>I kinda have the same question don’t worry bout it.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure it’s random- if there is a survey it’s very bare bones. They probably just look at your application/other materials and place you based on that. I think there’s more care given to roommate then actual dorm placement.</p>
<p>Ya I think your right.</p>