Exordium Scholar-Leader Program Denison



My student is going to Denison University in the fall and received an email saying they were invited to become a member of the EXORDIUM Scholar-Leader Program offered to 40 incoming first years for next fall. Does anyone have experience with this program?

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Congrats on your student’s decision! I don’t have direct experience of the program, as my student graduated before the program began. I can share that Prof. Davis who leads the program was a favorite professor among students. More generally, my Denison student found that all of the “extra” leadership and career development programs he did, through Knowlton Center and other campus organizations, were valuable. While Denison is not a place that an incoming student needs to make “small” through a program like this, the opportunity for a ready-made peer group, with intentional programming throughout the year, looks worthwhile. If it’s something your student is interested in, I’d recommend participating.


I second this. Like @Midwestmomofboys , my son preceded this program at Denison. He’s a graduating senior, so entered in 2019, whereas this program seems to have launched just last year. My son did study with Dr. Davis and was taking his class on the Crusades the semester the school sent everyone home because of Covid. I had the pleasure of listening in on a few of the remote classes, and Dr. Davis was terrific, not just in terms of his mastery of the subject matter but also his ability to involve and engage his students while dealing with difficult material. I imagine that any program he has agreed to lead will be a real opportunity, and it also sounds like a wonderful chance for a first-year to connect with the school. Denison is a wonderful school, and I’m sure your student will be happy there.


My son received the same email! Interested in more information!

For those extended an invitation, is your student also considering other pre-orientation programs offered by Denison? I absolutely love the idea of this program, but my daughter was also very excited about 2 other pre-orientation programs where she might find " her people" based on similar interests. She is a BIPOC student and was looking forward to the pre-orientation program specifically geared towards communities of color.

Would she be making a mistake by turning down this opportunity?

I don’t have direct feedback regarding this program as my daughter is a senior and I think this program is somewhat new. My daughter did go through the bipoc “paving the way” pre-orientation program and made several good friends. The most important thing first year of college is to find people on campus that you gel with. If you think it’s the Exordium scholar program that great if it’s something else then have your student participate in another activity. Unfortunately there are only so many hours that can be devoted to non academic activities therefore choosing wisely is critical.


I agree with @NJDad22 (who must be sharing my shock that four years have already passed!). My son is Asian and was invited to participate in an international pre-orientation program at Denison. He didn’t want to be pigeon-holed as international, so he declined and did the canoe trip instead. It was a good decision for him, and he ended up rooming with someone he met on that trip for the next few years. In general, I think the pre-orientation programs are a great idea, as they give the participants the opportunity to find their way around a little before all the other students arrive.


@tkoparent we are exactly where you are. We are exited that our student had such a great college experience which she said have been the best 4-years of her life. We are also a little sad that we will no longer have the excuse to make the pilgrimage to Granville every year for the bid red weekend. It’s gone by really fast, some would say too fast. I hope you enjoy all this weekend’s festivities with your son!


Congrats to the graduates and their families! Granville is such a lovely place to visit, we missed dinners at the Broadway Pub!

There are lots of ways to “find your people” at Denison, (and at any school.) My grad did a 1st year fall Advisory group (I think that’s what it was called), did assorted career exploration programs, leadership programs, worked on campus etc. All shaped his experience and social life.

The continuity of Exordium – from Pre-O trip to being part of an Advisory group, plus other opportunities – would have the advantage of providing more continuous community and engagement beyond the first weeks of the year. Very cool program! And Lisska Center is a great place to get connected with.

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My student felt the same way but decided to move forward with accepting the Exordium offer. Hopefully they’ll meet their people this way too! And once they’re on campus, there will be so many opportunities as well. So excited for their future at Denison.


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