My son starts at Oberlin this month and has had some issues with mental health. I’d love to hear from parents about advice, recommended therapists, etc. Thanks!
Hi Westview! My son, with a history of anxiety, is starting this fall, too. He’s registered with the office of disability services and will have a student mentor (a student who also has an anxiety disorder). We’re also arranging for him to see a counselor in Oberlin. My understanding is that you can go to the counseling center for a crisis or an eval, but they don’t do ongoing counseling. PM me if you’d like to hear more of the arrangements we’ve made or considered. I’m also interested in recommended therapists from anyone in the know.
Thanks for your reply. I’ve had some contact with the counseling center (and understand that Oberlin has increased number of counselors in response to student pressure so access will be better! Yay! Im an alumna and read this in the spring). I’m guessing that my son would benefit from having an ongoing therapy relationship if we can set that up. He also has registered with disability office but I’m not sure he’ll go for the mentor thing–we’ll see. Is that automatically done or did you have to request it? Sorry-- I don’t know what "PM"ing is! But would love to keep in touch.
I sent you a message.
I sent you both a message.
I’m intrigued by the idea of a ‘student mentor’ who is paired up with an incoming student with a similar mental health issue. Can you tell me more about that?
N’s Mom, I’m guessing they were referring to Student Accessibility Advocates (SAAs). I honestly don’t know a ton, but you can read info straight from them here: (small description but the newletter link on the side is a little better I think)
In the past 5 years they also added a position for Matthew Hayden as Dean of Health Initiatives and he is working on opening a Peer Helping Center for even more peer support. Students must first go through a full year of training in peer helping skills before applying, and that should be open within the next year.