Explain to me my award notice

<p>It is as follows.</p>

<p>In State</p>

<p>Michigan Grant : 5906
M-Pact Scholarship : 500
EST Fed Pact Grant: 750
Pell Grant Estimate: 1700
Federal Work Study: 2500
Loans (sub, unsub, perkins): 6000
Promise Award: 1000</p>

<p>Total Aid: 18356
Accepted: 10656</p>

<p>Should I accept the work study for the full amount? How much time is spent working for that money?</p>

<p>Also, I assume the other 3000+ that isn't listed in there is my EFC. If I were to receive scholarships, can I put that towards my EFC or take less in loans or will it automatically reduce my grant money?</p>

<p>Help please, and thank you!</p>

<p>Correct me if im wrong but it seems like they really took care of you instate. Will you even have to pay anything?</p>

<p>Compared to me, you hit the lottery. I got all loans and work study.</p>

<p>My EFC is only app 3500. </p>

<p>I have about 6000 in loans and a work study.</p>

<p>Otherwise, yeah, they did very well for me.</p>

<p>How i regret living in Ohio all my life! :frowning:
EFC 29000. I dont know where this money is going to come from.
Only about 5500 in FIN Aid so far. How come they didnt put anything about work study in mine? I signed up for it…</p>

<p>I don’t know man, sorry.</p>

<p>My father was just laid off as well, meaning they will reconsider and I will probably get more grant money.</p>

<p>When I go to view award notice, and then there’s that View/Print link, I click on it and nothing happens. Am I being really dumb and missing something? Did anyone else have this problem?</p>

<p>Be glad you are in-state. I’m really dissappointed by my package:
Out of State
Michigan Grant : 15000
Pell & ACG : 3000
Federal Work Study: 3000
Loans (sub, unsub, perkins): 6000</p>

<p>Total aid is 27k
COA is 44K
Gap (above EFC) is $14,000 per year, and that’s with 3k in work study, and $6k in loans.</p>

<p>Really hoping I’d get closer than this. I love Michigan, but I can’t see taking loans of $20k for 4 years. Too many other opportunities out there.</p>

<p>bigshot that same thing happened to me. Ok well shoot kaydog. I cant even find the rest of this stuff like a “michigan grant”? All i can find is that I get 5500 in loans. Ive got efc of 29000. I hope these other forms of aid will come through.</p>

<p>OOS North Carolina…Same as above. EFC around 26K. $5500 in sub/unsub loans. That was it. Too bad…prolly at this point down to Georgia Tech, UNC Chapel Hill (unfortunately, no engineering there, which was my UMich acceptance), or NC State. My view/print link does not work, either, btw.</p>

<p>OOS PA. higher EFC. Only unsub Stafford loans. My link does not work either. However, if you click around some (check the tabs), you will find your award, or lack of one. I never was able to view the award letter like is described on the link.</p>

<p>I expected a tiny amount of merit aid at least. Too bad; this is an elite engineering program inside a great school in so many respects. I’m really surprised to see EFC <30K and zero need-based aid. I guess UMich will be balancing the budget on OOS students. I can’t blame them. They may not have a choice.</p>



<p>If your school works the way my daughter’s school works, your work study is up to you. You have to look for and find a job that is (probably) on campus, and might be hard or easy to find. Also, might vary in pay. The amount you make is up to you. My D was awarded about 2500 for the year, and has not even come close to making the full amount, because of available hours, both on her end, and on the job’s end. So, if it’s anything like our experience, you don’t accept or decline the award, you are entitled to it and whether or not you do it is entirely up to you. The school will pay you from the fund that is available to you from the Federal Work Study program. It’s not really a grant, because you have to work for it.</p>

<p>i dont get the efc…</p>

<p>my efc is 569 is that good?</p>

<p>i mean 00569</p>

<p>I have never dealt with FA office, but I believe the way it works is if you were to pull in any outside scholarships, it would reduce your “grant” money. To actually reduce the amount of loans, you would need to get enough in scholarships to cover the grant and then some. This may be inaccurate, maybe someone else can correct.</p>

<p>Re: Applying outside scholarships to award package…from what the FA site says, UM “tries” to first reduce the loan but in <em>some</em> cases has to reduce grant. For example, if you won $5,000 and you had an MCAT of $1300, I think the 5 removes the MCAT *(only for the “most” needy) but the remaining 3700 might reduce loan. Some grants MUST be used toward tuition, others toward anything, so the bottom line is that the impact of outside scholarships on the award package varies a great deal depending on what elements are in your package and what restrictions are on your award money.
Hope that helps.