<p>Is it detrimental to the overall quality of an essay to provide some background on other people involved in it?</p>
<p>For instance, I'm writing the common "cultural difference" essay, about how a foreign exchange student's "personal (stemmed from her culture) motto" so to speak, changed my view of things. I feel like if I don't say something about her roots, none of it will make any sense.</p>
<p>I added a small paragraph pretty much saying "she's from x country, she grew up with x culture, and that's why she is the way she is" (only in a few more words, more scholarly sounding, and not as listy).</p>
<p>Yeah I know the essay is about ME and what I LEARNED from the experience, which I will talk about. But how can I show how she changed me, without saying who she is as a person?</p>