Explanation letter for fee waiver

<p>Basically, what am I (or my parent?) supposed to write for the explanation letter...I'm not sure what it is supposed to say since the 2007 federal income tax return that I am going to send pretty much says it all, that I am from a low income family and it will be easier for my family to use a fee waiver. So who is supposed to write it, what should the letter say exactly, and how long should it be? I just think that it is pretty much self-explanatory that a verified status of low-income would suggest the student to request a fee waiver..I'm just not sure how and what to write it about...kind of confused. Much thanks to everyone who shines some light on this.</p>

<p>Was your fee waived to take the SAT/SAT II? if yes, you are automatically entitled to 4 fee waivers from the college board. You can also get a NACAC fee waiver.
Just get a fee waiver from your GC when you return to school. When you apply, click fee waiver (you will just send it in snail mail when school opens).</p>

<p>hey polarize, i wrote a mini paragraph and sent a fee waiver. pme me if you want to read it for perspective.</p>

<p>@ sybbie719: I didn’t get the collegeboard fee waiver (didn’t know about it at first and for my last few tests, I decided to take them on like the last day I could sign up so I couldn’t ask for one) However, I do have a few NACAC fee waivers that I got in October (school only gave me 4 and they look like they just photocopied them…is there a limit to how many I can use?) But on the Dartmouth site, it doesn’t mention that I can use NACAC fee waivers or any others besides the collegeboard ones. So I’m not sure if I should use these for Dartmouth.</p>

<p>@ndnguy: thanks! I’ll pm you right away.</p>

<p>Send the NACAC, worst thing that can happen is them not take it. I sent one to a school that said they didn’t do fee waivers at all and they did it anyways, and I was accepted.</p>

<p>Yes, you can use the NACAC fee waiver at Dartmouth. The fee waiver must have the school seal imprint and be signed by your GC. </p>

<p>If you are eligible for free/reduced lunch at your school, you can still receive 4 college board fee waivers for college applications.</p>

<p>There is no limit to the number of NACAC fee waivers that your GC can provide you with however, keep in mind that while most schools take the NACAC fee waiver, there are some that may not take the fee waiver (or any fee waivers, more likely public schools) so you must know the policy at each school.</p>

<p>When you get back to school, contact your GC about having your SAT scores released to the college using a fee waiver (4 if you took the SAT once, 8 if you took the SAT twice) </p>



<p>In addition, check link to see if you will be eligible for the CSS profile fee waiver (there are no forms, the College Board will let you know when you submit your information whether or not they will waive the fee)</p>

<p><a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/profdownload/PROFILE_fees.pdf[/url]”>Higher Education Professionals | College Board;

<p>hope this helps</p>

<p>Thanks sybbie719! The information you provided is very in-depth and helpful!</p>

<p>About the NACAC fee waivers, mine don’t have the school seal imprint, just the signature. I asked my counselor, when she gave them to me, what to do with them, and she told me to just mail them…no mention of the school seal. She also seemed a bit stingy that day (maybe she had a bad day?), but she told me I couldn’t get any collegeboard fee waivers since I had not registered for any SAT tests using one. She said the only ones I could use now was the NACAC ones. Without the school seal imprints, right now I’m kind of worrying if I can even use them. </p>

<p>In the case of Dartmouth, however, I think a safer route for me would be to just send in my paragraph-long letter of explanation along with my parents’ 2007 federal income tax returns and signed by my parents to validate it. </p>

<p>And thank you for reminding me about the CSS profiles. I didn’t know that they had fee waivers too. $16 each would certainly add up to a large amount. Thanks for the link.</p>

<p>I may need to have a talk with my counselor again when school starts, but all in all, thank you so much for the help.</p>

<p>this is the NACAC fee waiver your counselor should be using for school year 2009/2010</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.nacacnet.org/CareerDevelopment/Resources/Documents/Feewaiver.pdf[/url]”>http://www.nacacnet.org/CareerDevelopment/Resources/Documents/Feewaiver.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you are eligible for reduced/free lunch, it does not matter if you used the fee waiver to take the SAT, you are still entitled to 4 college board fee waivers for applications and she can still give you a fee waiver (as outlined in my previous post) to release your scores.</p>

<p>sent you a PM</p>

<p>so one can only get four collegeboard fee waivers?</p>

<p>Yes, you can only get 4 college board fee waivers for college applications.</p>

<p>In answer to the OP’s original question, just write “No money.” Or, if you are uncomfortable with straight to the point brevity, and want to add a touch of class, write “No money, please help.” They will understand.</p>

<p>I already sent in my application and all the necessary forms but just realized that I forgot to mail in the explanation letter for the fee waiver. Is it too late to send it out on Monday?</p>

<p>The school will not process your application without the fee or fee waiver.</p>

<p>Why don’t you just get the fee waiver from your counselor (much easier).</p>