<p>I'm a sophomore considering transferring from my current school. I have appx. 3.65 gpa from a small private school (not very strong academically). I plan on being a math major, but have only taken gen eds with the exception of calc 1 and 2, as I have been completely undecided to this point as far as a major. I do plan on declaring and taking all major courses in the spring. Hs gpa was about 3.85, 1460 sat (2 part). My main question is about my extracurriculars. I'm a d1 athlete which requires 30-40 hr/week dedication, which has eliminated any opportunity for other extracurriculars. We do, however, do some volunteer work as a team. I plan on attempting to walk on as an athlete at my next school, but will not have been a recruited athlete. How strong of an extracurricular is playing d1 sports? Will admissions understand why I don't have any others? I plan on applying to Cornell and Lehigh among other similar schools. Chances?</p>
<p>Bump… Anybody feel free lol</p>
<p>I’d say you have a good chance with Lehigh. Your dedication in your d1 sport is a very good ec, you need not a lot of diversified ec’s. </p>
<p>Thank you! </p>