Extreme Problems in AP

<p>Right now I'm a senior in high school with second quarter closing next week. I have a 50 in AP calculus first quarter and it's around 50 to 55 for this quarter as well. The reason for this is because I wanted to "impress" colleges and I signed up for 4 AP classes, an AP online course, and a community college course and I'm so stressed I don't know what to do anymore. I applied for UMASS Amherst and I'm not sure if I'll get in so what I'm wondering is some advice on what the best thing is to do right now?
My other AP classes are stable (C's and low B's). I've been trying daily to drop calc but my teachers keep saying "AP classes look good regardless." Should I still continue trying to drop the course? Is it too late that it won't make a difference even if I pull off a good grade in an honors course?</p>

<p>Drop immediately… and try not to get it on your transcript… a 50 to 55 is a fail, and a fail is the worst thing possible at a high school course… </p>

<p>A F will lead to rejection at any university, and a rescind even after acceptance… I seriously recommend talking to your teachers, counselors, and parents about the severity of this problem.</p>

<p>Something has to give, you sound to be under way too much stress. It’s hard for us to tell you the best course, is there a counselor at school you can sit down with? There’s no way you need that many APs to get into UMass.</p>

<p>I scheduled a meeting tommorow to discuss the issue. I really wish I could take back the decision to take that class. I didn’t send my reccomendation from guidance yet as she is still writing it. It’s a week away from closing of second quarter so I want to try to get her to write something in the recommendation about this.</p>