<p>So I am pretty sure my transcript shows an F in drivers education.
It was a 0 credit class that was required by my school for every freshman to take.</p>
<p>It is 0 credits so it shouldnt be a problem right? Also, the only reason why I failed it was because I was sick for a week, and if you you missed more than 3 days you got an automatic F by state law.</p>
<p>yeah a note wouldnt hurt. but no college will reject you just because u got an F in drivers ed, especially for the reason you stated, not even harvard.</p>
<p>in california you get a permit at age 15.5, liscense is at 16.
To get a permit you must take a drivers training program of some sort with a certified instructor with the ability to issue "pink" slips, which basically mean that you can get a permit.</p>
<p>At my school (they do not offer drivers ed anymore to freshman (im a senior now)) to have gotten your pink slip you would have to get at least a C in the class and a passing score on the pink slip exam.
I got a passing score on the exam, only to be told by my teacher that if you miss more than 3 days of drivers ed, you get an automatic F (he said it was some state law when teaching DE in a public school or something like that.)</p>