Fa adjustments for internationals

I just got accepted to CAS and received a CAS Scholarship worth 22k per year. However, in order to be able to attend I would need something like 40k. I am an international student so I don't qualify for loans... How should I appeal my FA decision and how should I handle the whole process? What are my chances that I will get greater FA? If I won't I will end up not going and hopefully will attend University College London which itself is very good for psychology but is not NYU:((( Please, help!!</p>

<p>You’ll have to call the FA office. International students pretty much never get any kind of financial aid, so it’s shocking you got any at all. I 99% guarantee the FA office will not be able to give you anything close to $40,000, but you’ll have to call to find out. </p>

<p>I assume you’re a UK resident? Go to UCL, save your money.</p>

<p>No, I am not a UK resident, I am from Poland:) So both UCL and NYU will be pretty costly for me but at least in the UK I qualify for a loan… Do you know about any other ways, beside the NYU scholarships, to get money for college?</p>
