fafsa error

<p>I am trying to submit my child's fafsa and it wont accept my pin...the number is correct, I even had them send it to me to check, but it says it doesn't match.
Could this just be a temporary error, has anyone else had a problem?</p>

<p>You didn’t just get the new PIN, did you? If so, it has to pass the SSN checks before you can sign with it. Sometimes it takes a day or so, especially if you got it during a weekend.</p>

<p>If you’ve had it awhile, the issue may be your date of birth format. Are you on a screen where DOB is needed? Check to make sure you are entering / if necessary, no / if not.</p>

<p>It works now, I reentered some things, customer service said it was probably just a browser or technical glitch…not what you need when you are FINALLY able to press “send”.
: )</p>