<p>I'm really worried - On my PIN application I stupidly put a middle initital which doesnt officially show up on my records. (Just a middle name I go by sometimes) I'm techincally not supposed to have a middle name. Everything else was fine though - Should I be worried? Is it going to get rejected because of that one letter? Or am I overthinking?</p>
<p>My first fafsa deadline is this saturday which is why I'm panicking.
Because the fafsa pin takes like 3 days to register.</p>
<p>I think its ok. What you can do is make another pin if ur still worried. U can use the pin right away you dont have to wait any days. I did something worse. I applied to 12 schools but fasfa only fit 10 so after i sent 10 i forgot to send the others and now its to late and one of the two was my #3 choice. lol but ya the middle initial will be ok my sister did the same. She made up her middle name. And since she has been putting it in passports, bank accounts and theres no problem. I dont think the fasfa really cares about a middle name.</p>
<p>Ca-Marin, you should DELETE two of your school codes, and add in the other two right away. According to this board, that is how you add on extra schools. I DO know for sure that the schools WILL SEE from the FAFSA system, that you DID complete and submit the FAFSA on time, even if you did not include their school codes on the first list. The schools that are deleted WILL still be able to see your FAFSA information, and work on a financial aid package for you (assuming you are accepted). Get to it right away!</p>
<p>Other readers, please confirm that this is how you put more than 10 schools on the FAFSA. It makes me a little nervous to delete schools, but users have posted that this is how this is done.</p>