hey when applying for FAFSA how do i change the number of members in my household to line up with the amount of members who are currently going to be enrolled from 2019-2020??
Because it’s saying that I’m the only one in the household so when I put that 4 members will be in college during that time frame it says that the information is incorrect.

Any suggestions??

Are you and the other 3 people all undergrads and none are the parents?

Are you an independent student for financial aid purposes? There are some questions you need to answer…

If you are a student and answered yes to any of these…you would be a household of one.

  1. Married
  2. Parent of a child you support
  3. Veteran
  4. Orphan
  5. Ward of the state
  6. Over age 24

And this one

  1. In guardianship.

If you are the student and have always lived with your parents, you are NOT in guardianship…some folks answer yes to that one. It’s guadianship of someone other than your parent.

So…how do you have a household size of ONE?

How old are you? Are you married?

Did you put in your parents’ information?

If you’re an independent student, then you’re a household of 1 person unless you’re married or have childen. Then your siblings dont get counted as being in school because they’re not part of your Independent Person’s household.