fail BSN Nursing School

I failed a clinic class in my nursing school. The policy of my school is students fail two classes will be forced out of the university without any degree. I concern if I should continue nursing (what if I fail a clinic again?) or change major to get a degree first. My intention is to continue nursing. But it feels high risk. If I purse to change a major to get a degree first, would any MSN schools accept me later? will they accept me if I failed clinics before.

If I continue nursing but end of failing, and kicked out of the university without any degree, can I still be accepted by any other universities of any majors?

There are colleges that will accept almost anyone - as long as they haven’t killed any college administrators recently. However, you might not get another shot at nursing.

I’d suggest giving nursing your best try where you are, and if you don’t make it, then transfer for a different major. I’d submit some transfer applications in advance to keep your options open.

I’m surprised your college won’t let you do a different major if nursing doesn’t work out. You might talk to a college official to make sure that is really true. Most colleges don’t want to lose students.

You can’t get into an MSN program without a BSN. I think what you need to do is focus on why you failed. If you made a critical mistake in clinical (which, in my experience as both a student and a clinical instructor is a pretty obvious issue) you need to figure out what happened, why, and how to avoid doing it, or anything remotely like it again.