Question nursing?!...

Ever since my junior year of high school, i have wanted to be a nurse. Everything about the field interested me… lately, i have been feeling discouraged and i dont know if i should stay in nursing. I recently discovered i failed anatomy and physiology 1. i have been so stressed about due to the fact i have never failed a class in my entire life and am a very committed and dedicated college student. nursing is an amazing field and i have wanted it for such a long time, but now i am questioning if this is what i want… have any of you experienced this?

Did you truly fail it, or just not get a high enough grade to move forward? For students in a direct entry program, it is not uncommon to have to repeat a class because their grade was not high enough.

Can you repeat the class over the summer, even if it is at a different college? (most colleges require pre-approval to take a course at another college). Sometimes you just need a different prof.

Are you in a direct entry program, or applying for a 2-2 program?

At some point you may wish to look at alternatives. That could include getting a RN with an associates degree instead of a BSN, or becoming a practical nurse (vocational in Calif). Many people start at one level and then earn a BSN later (often with help from their employer). A practical nurse program may require less intensive science classes.

Many people are not aware of all of the health care fields that are available. You may find that another is better suited for you (and may offer more regular hours). Here’s info on alternatives:

Click on each one at the link for more info.

Yes i didnt pass the class. And i am not in a direct entry program, i was supposed to apply to nursing school in the fall but because of this, my whole schedule is out at whack