Failed Sophmore

Semester 1 of Sophmore Year of High School was bs for me. I got an B- in Algebra 2 Honors, an C- in AP Bio, and a B
in English Honors… Throughout he whole semester i was depressed due to my parent’s issue with possible separation.
I don’t think I can do anything now, but in the future, is it good to mention this in my college app?
My freshman year was much, much better, and I had a significant drop from freshman to sophmore.
I know that these grades don’t reflect me at all. Will this ruin my chances with colleges like UC Berk or even MIT? I’m really worried since my parents also have high expectations from me…

You didn’t earn Fs, and your sophomore year isn’t over, therefore you haven’t failed anything yet. You can’t go back, so look forward. Do what you can do perform better next term.

I’ll try to keep my head up in the game.

You did not fail. You still have an entire semester to work your butt off and show colleges what you’re made of. Take a short break and really evaluate what it is that you want to do. Remember that as the other posters said, you shouldn’t look back because you can’t change the past. Winter break is near so use that to your advantage