<p>Hey everybody, I am new to this website, although I have read some of the forums on here before I was a little bit confused on where exactly to put this so forgive me if it's in the wrong category. Anyways I'm a High School senior and I failed basically almost all of my regents grades 50+ I passed only 2 which are the Algebra and Global. </p>
<p>The test that I have to retake are Earth Science, US History & Government, and English. </p>
<p>I'm trying my best to put in time for studying for these regents cause I am taking them during regents week and I am like....I can say that I'm confident with the English regent and somewhat confident for the US History regent -basically getting some study time-...but E.S....nope. I'm concentrating on making sure that I pass my classes so...don't know how to say this, pay more attention to exams that I have to take for my classes and such and not paying as much attention to my regents.
-Hope that makes sense. >.<- </p>
<p>I also wanted to know what are remedial classes, I hear around that if you fail regents colleges have remedial classes for that but I just want to get a passing grade on my regents cause I gear how those classes are expensive! </p>
<p>If I had studied for these regents this wouldn't have happened but junior year was my biggest mess up so this is the price that I basically have to pay. </p>
<p>My question is...like I know if you keep failing regents....you don't graduate. </p>
<p>Is there like a limit to how many times one can retake the regents or would they just have to get their GED or what? </p>
<p>And any tips for juggling class exam studying and regents studying?</p>
<p>And what are the topics that are gonna be on the US History and Govt regent? So far I know it's the Great Depression, WW1 & 2, Civil Rights, Civil War.</p>
<p>Sorry that it is long, and please no immature answers and anything. </p>
<p>Thanks! :D</p>