
<p>Question, in management 1a right now with gardner. guess what? i overslept and failed to turn in one of the assignments on time. it was teh big one. sterling computer services. gave it in late, and she made a note of it. </p>

<p>i asked how badly would this affect my grade. she said that just being late once will not affect your grade as long as the tas "think you did a good job on it." otherwise, it is anywhere from A to A- or A to B or worse. </p>

<p>i rushed it and didn't bother to check too carefully and sort of fudged the numbers a bit to balance them. so how ****ed am i? anyone with experience? would the tas even bother to check or are they checking for completion. there is like at least 200 people in my class and the project is like 30 pages long. think they will really check?</p>

<p>Similar situation but not as worse... </p>

<p>I overslept on Monday when my English Essay was due. I sprinted to class and made it 40 minutes late. Fortunately, the class doesn't turn it in until the end of class so it was technically on time. However, I missed the in class essay, which I'm hoping he doesn't give me a zero on. (I asked him if I needed to make it up and he said that I didn't need to... but who knows?)</p>

<p>wow. that was me a year ago. look, you get into situations in life out of your control. one (or several!) Bs wont ruin your life</p>

<p>...anyone else? ****, i must go verify that i can still get an A cause as long as there is a possibility still, then i will get an A. </p>

<p>how lame though. to get a B just for oversleeping.</p>

<p>I already told you my answer, but I'll say it again. Even her TA's think the assignment is bogus! You never get it back, you never hear about it and no one ever tells you your grade on it. You turn it in and it's like it never existed!</p>

<p>Dude, you said you were banned!</p>



<p>I second what Altema said. I think the point of the assignment is to get you to learn basic bookkeeping really well, but I highly doubt that the TAs look through it carefully at all considering that there are just SO many things that could possibly be checked over in the case study. I've never heard of anyone failing because of that assignment.</p>