<p>At CalSO I asked around <em>so much</em>, if there was anyone who was rooming at Foothill. I didn't find ANYONE! :'( So now, collegeconfidential: Who's rooming at Foothill??</p>
<p>If you are, what kind of room do you have? I have a double suite....(good or bad?)</p>
<p>Foothill tends to have a large number of hard science and engineering majors, due to its proximity to the College of Chemistry and the engineering buildings.</p>
<p>I got Bowles, so I guess that’s kinda close. I heard from like EVERYONE that Unit 1,2,3 are the best, so I was going like “NOOOoooooo” when I eventually got Bowles. But I checked the map, and Bowles is actually the closest to most of the course buildings I’ve taken for 1st semester, mostly because i’ve taken a lot of seven breadth courses. Now I kinda regret sending mail to the authorities, asking for another dorm, but meh, I suppose there will be buses around. Hopefully I can get into HAAS by Junior year, and can also get Bowles again, then it would be like right next to each other.</p>
<p>i’m in foothill in a double suite too!!! omg i couldn’t find anyone at calso who is in foothill as well…</p>
<p>Double in Foothill as well. (:</p>
<p>I only met one person at CalSO in Foothill–and it turns out she’s my roommate! :D</p>
<p>Aww, that’s cool 
Do you guys know what building? I’m in Building 1, according to the Housing Portal, but I’m not sure how many other buildings there are…? Does anyone know how many stories the buildings at Foothill have?</p>
<p>i’m in building 2 but i have no idea how the buildings are set up in foothill…</p>