Fall 2009 Housing Application is up

<p>Fall 2009 Housing application is now available.</p>

<p>also, do we have to be admitted? cuz i should get my notification this week.</p>


<p>In the UCF portal under Housing, then Apply. Don’t know if you have to admitted first…</p>

<p>On-campus housing is not required for students attending UCF. Students may apply for housing after being offered admission. It is important to apply early. No student at UCF is guaranteed on-campus housing.</p>

<p>[UCF</a> Housing and Residence Life | Application Information](<a href=“http://www.housing.ucf.edu/application2.php?app_type=app_firstyear]UCF”>http://www.housing.ucf.edu/application2.php?app_type=app_firstyear)</p>

<p>so it says i have to deposit $250, but will refund $150 if i cancel my housing app by May, so does that pretty much mean theyll keep $100 of my deposit if i choose to go elsewhere?</p>

<p>Yes, you will forfeit $100 if you do not use your UCF housing deposit.</p>

<p>Can you make two deposits for two different types of housing…1 for the year contract for towers in the event of acceptance into honors college and 1 for the regular contract??</p>

<p>Make one housing deposit. If you are accepted into honors, you’ll be given the opportunity to send a request through the honors program that you want honors housing. Housing at that point, assuming availability, will use that request to supercede whatever you might have asked for before. Does that make sense? Also, when you say “regular” contract, are you still referring to a towers room, which is an 11 month contract whether you are in honors or not. Or are you referring to the regular “two semester” contract of other locations? If you are still referring to Towers, just request Towers up front. And then if you get into honors you can specifically request Towers III. Housing will handle all of that for you … the switchover to III, I mean. They coordinate with honors.</p>


<p>By regular I did mean the “two semester” contract. If he doesn’t get into honors, he may not want the towers, so I’m confused as to what type of contract I should request. If I request the “two semester” contract and then he does get into honors, then he would only be able to get into the towers if there was space available, correct??</p>

<p>At the time you get into honors they send you a “housing form” to fill out and send back to honors where you can request honors housing. Chances are you won’t be one of the last ones doing this unless you are asking for honors housing like in March or something. So, assuming you know relatively quickly that he’s in honors and send back the form right away, I’d say there wouldn’t be any problem. If you need to know for sure, call Burnett and see what they say. At the point that you request honors housing through Burnett, they forward your request to housing. Burnett kids are handled differently through housing. For instance, when my s applied for Tower III in '07 his status didn’t change his my UCF … when it came time to put other info in. I called housing, and they told me don’t worry about it we work with burnett on all of this and it’ll be taken care of. It was … no problem. Probably your best best would be to talk to Burnett and find out if there’s any problem request housing with a two semester contract now and having it changed to Towers III assuming your s gets honors. One question … if you prefer a two semester contract why switched to an 11 month contract if he gets into Honors? A lot of my s’s friends are in other housing besides towers because they didn’t want to pay for the summer semester (mostly local kids he knows). My s never really noticed any particular difference being in the Honors Tower; I suppose he could just not be looking for differences … LOL. This year he’s in Towers IV because they pulled a non-honors kid in as one of their roommates and so they had to switch. Towers IV has a lot of football players and such … and except for ocassionally feeling smaller in the elevator (which is novel for him) he doesn’t notice a particular difference. <g></g></p>


<p>Does anyone know when the current students need to sign up for their particular rooms? We have already put in the deposit. Do they have first dibs on keeping their current room if they are already in Towers?</p>

<p>Not sure how that’s going to work this year. They mentioned a lottery for returning uppperclassmen; I hope not. S and his roommates will decide about re-upping right after Christmas, and I know they’ve talked about doing so again. They just like the “roll out of bed and you’re there” kind of feeling, and Mom likes the relative safety related to some off campus housing.</p>


<p>I believe that the lottery is only for Nike/Hercules apartments. I think the Towers will be whatever they did last year…but I don’t know what that was or how it worked.</p>


<p>there was a misunderstanding and for some reason My family and I thought we had already payed the $250 deposit, but we didnt. We JUST submitted the payment right now, am I doomed to not get on-campus housing?</p>

<p>No, you will be fine. They didn’t fill up on-campus housing last year until about March. A December date will still get you on campus housing and probably still good enough to get you one of your top choices.</p>