<p>I'm a freshman at Miami University (Ohio) and after deciding not to play baseball straight out of high school I changed as my mind, but it was too late and their roster is already full. I talked to some coaches at some ivy's and other academic schools, but they have already committed to the maximum number of players they can get into the school with sub-par grades.</p>
<p>My list includes:
University of Richmond
UVA (a stretch for playing there, but have a chance)
Duke (same situation as UVA)</p>
<p>My application (main points)
4.00 GPA - College (i am only 100% sure after two months that I can keep it up easily for the rest of the year)
3.7 GPA - High school (6 AP classes)
Good recs</p>
<p>ACT Composite Score - 28
Math - 32 English - 32 Reading - 28 Science - 28 at two different sittings
So an average composite of 30 (but i'm not sure if schools will look at ACT averages???)</p>
<p>Eagle Scout
Volunteer of the Year Award from a prominent organization in my 110,000 pop. home town</p>
<p>I got suspended in 11th grade for alcohol on a florida spring break trip, but no trouble since then.</p>