Fall 2011 housing

<p>Anybody get a link to pay the fall housing deposit yet? This morning I visited MyBama and found this message - </p>

<p>The housing application for the fall 2011/spring 2012 academic year will be available for returning students beginning October 1, 2010 at 8 am and ending on February 1st at midnight. For more information, please contact the Housing and Residential Communities office.</p>

<p>An email last week stated that the contract and deposit link would open on the 2nd. . .</p>

<p>Ah, perhaps I remembered the email incorrectly because I find this message on the housing site -</p>

<p>Current residents should complete the online housing application by February 1, 2011. HRC will assess the demand for campus housing and notify students beginning February 2 whether they can complete the application process and take part in online room selection. If they can, the contract and $250.00 deposit must be submitted between February 3 and February 14. They will then be eligible for online room selection. If demand for housing exceeds supply, students will be placed on a waiting list for housing, beginning with graduate students, then rising seniors, then rising juniors and finally, rising sophomores. Students will be contacted if they can be removed from the waiting list and complete the application process for campus housing. Students who are waitlisted are encouraged to consider their off-campus housing options. HRC sponsors off-campus housing fairs throughout the year and has many resources to help students make good decisions about off-campus housing.</p>

<p>So we should be able to deposit for returning students tomorrow?</p>

<p>Got the panicked phone call from son and husband yesterday when the email came across. “Are we all set for housing?”</p>

<p>I know I submitted that son wants to return to oncampus housing as soon as that message came out.</p>

<p>I’m assuming I’ve done all I need to do up to this point.</p>

<p>I guess we’ll get an email saying, Pay the deposit, or you’re on the waitlist, or find off-campus housing?</p>

<p>Is it a first come, first serve deal as well, ie, as soon as the email, link opens, we should pay the deposit?</p>

<p>I don’t know if it’s first come/first serve for depositing for returning students, but it sure would make sense. I would deposit ASAP.</p>


<p>If you already submitted the application then you wait for the e-mail about re-contracting. When you get that e-mail, you then re-contract and submit deposit. After that you will get an e-mail with time/date about selection process. This is info from housing.</p>

<p>I received the email about recontracting.


<p>My daughter got back in…but the 3 girls who she was wanting to live with that are currently in the dorm got waitlisted. Does anyone have any idea what the chances are that they will all be in the dorm. I wonder if names are released each day. My other daughter last year had no problems. Just found it odd that 1 in 4 got in with no problems. They are all in Honors.</p>

<p>^ what?
I thought we couldn’t do step #2 until tomorrow at 8am?</p>

<p>That is correct…we have until the 9th to pay the deposit. I am curious as to how soon we will know if the others are taken off the waitlist.</p>

<p>You mean the other three never got past the first part of the process? I wonder how that was decided. Have to say that difficulty with getting on-campus housing was never mentioned during Bama Bound or UA Days. That would really put a wrench in things for us.</p>

<p>HELP!! daughter Kari got denied housing . . .now what? I think they should at least should have offered on campus housing to out of state students. Not sure we would have chosen Bama had we known she would get just one year of campus housing. can we petition or anything?</p>

<p>Don’t know if this is any assistance, but Housing and Residential Life will hold an off-campus housing fair Feb. 16 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ferguson Center.</p>

<p>I am thinking it may be a computer glitch. Very odd that all 4 filled out their requests back in October and only one got in. Not sure how they decide who stays. My other daughter had no problems recontracting last year or any of her roommates. Will call tomorrow. Now my daughter has no roommates to pull in and the other 3 girls may have no housing. What a pain!! Curious as to how long the “waitlist” may be.</p>

<p>I am hoping the waitlist will open up after the deposit deadline passes…hopefully it will all be fine. I know some of these girls would have gone other places or lived in cheaper dorms if they knew they would be out for their Sophomore year…that was one of the attractions of living in a nicer dorm…to be able to live their again.</p>

<p>ditto on the waitlist and the concerns.</p>

<p>please update if you get any info on the phone.</p>

<p>Will do. Just talked to my D (who did get in)…her current roommates recontracted last night and they got in…even though they have no intention of staying. They were using dorm as a backup plan if their apt fell thru but signed the lease today. She is not living with them next year. Still can’t figure out how housing decides who stays. I hope those 2 will notify housing so those spots can be released. I was hoping the whole housing thing would go smoothly the 2nd time around…now back to square one and finding a roommate who is not waitlisted.</p>

<p>Kari is waitlisted, not " denied" – however chances are not looking good since she currently resides in Ridgecrest honors housing where a lot of the new freshman are going to be housed. She made a good point tonight to me on the phone . . .why do they wait until now to let students know thay are waitlisted when they knew four months ago how many returning students wanted to stay with on campus housing? </p>

<p>If people got notified sonner that they were waitlisted (like in October), that would have given the waitlisted people a lot more time to try to find apartments. Its now feb and apartment/ rental house pickings are gonna be slim.</p>

<p>@Mom of four…this is true. I NEVER thought this would be a problem. They told me Freshmen have priority, then sophs and so on. My D is in Ridgecrest Honors too along with her friends and I surely thought they would have some priority since the honors housing is such a selling point. The system is flawed. Most kids that are moving off campus have had their apts. since October. I am hopeful space will open up as we have no idea who to live with now or even where to look. Will let you all know if I find out anything.</p>

<p>are you kidding?? kids who recontracted yesterday got in and kids who did it in october got waitlisted? really??</p>

<p>IMO they shouldn’t require freshman to live on campus. i am sure there are plenty who would prefer not to, especially if living off campus is cheaper. some might prefer to live off campus to save $$$. same with the freshman meal plan … that is wack, too.</p>

<p>so, if you want honors housing next year … you have to live in honors housing this year …</p>


<p>The housing deposit link is open now on mybama.</p>

<p>So sorry to hear about the issues already arising with wait lists!</p>