Fall 2011 housing

<p>wow! please keep us posted. Also wondering if this is a male/female space allocation issue, as so far I’ve only heard of women getting waitlisted. Again, lack of avail. Honors housing was NEVER mentioned as an issue during the sessions, and I specifically asked.</p>

<p>i think there was one mom of a son … bassetmom?</p>

<p>yep. He is a boy. Waitlisted! I feel really nervous about this…Now we might have to have him bring a car. Didnt plan on that…and a lease…not really ready for him to do all of this yet.</p>

<p>bassettmomma - is your son honors? and/or a freshman?</p>

<p>did you email housing to ask what the issue is?</p>

<p>As i posted in the sophomore housing thread, I called housing today and got told that Kari is waitlisted because she has sophomore standing (therefore, in their minds, she is going to be a junior this fall). </p>

<p>I told them that Kari is actually a freshman with “sophomore credits” but I got told that may not matter. FYI-- Kari is in honors and is a presidential scholar with full tuition scholarship. </p>

<p>I now have a call to Elisha Brown (Asst Director of housing) and to Jamie Gates. . .awaiting a reply.</p>

<p>Sounds like our freshamn honors kids may be “getting penalized” for now being sophomores, and for getting those AP credits, etc in high school.</p>

<p>mom of four. my daughter is in the same boat as yours. honors, soph status. etc.</p>

<p>the honors status should trump all.</p>

<p>i got this cleared up this morning with two emails in less than an hour.</p>

<p>i emailed dr. sharpe and alicia browne.</p>

<p>who knew that earning credits in high school dits could ever be a negative, but this is the second time in a week that it has proved to be so. : /</p>

<p>^^^Mike, can you clarify what you mean by getting your D’s housing situation cleared up? What were you told that (apparently) led to a resolution?</p>

<p>i emailed dr. sharpe and alicia browne.</p>

<p>alicia browne emailed me back within 30 minutes or so that katie was placed on the waitlist in error. didn’t say what the error was or why it happened.</p>

<p>katie is in ridgecrest south - north. rcs-n is not all honors it is mixed. floors 1 & 2 are honors, while 3-5 are not. maybe this was the reason (if they had rcs-n residents all classified as non-honors), but that is just a guess on my part.</p>

<p>soon after, she got the email that said she could proceed to step 2.</p>

<p>Are y’all who were affected by this in Ridgecrest South-North Tower? I wonder if that was the glitch?</p>

<p>I know that it’s really annoying and stressful, but I am glad to see that once it was brought to the right people that it was taken care of relatively quickly.</p>

<p>Just got off the phone from someone in honors – Jamie is in meeting right now and will check the situation later this afternoon. </p>

<p>Kari is now placed on a list " with other students in that same situation" that Mrs. Susan Haynes (Dr Sharpe’s sec) has. Got told I should receive a call later this afternoon.</p>

<p>My son is in south north tower and a fresh with soph status. they admitted it was aglitch in the system but didnt guarentee him housing they said they are making a list of the kids and they will let us know before the 9th</p>

<p>Kari is in Ridgecrest North ( south tower).</p>

<p>Keep us posted. Also, check and make sure on the housing app that it did say HONORS: yes. A friend of mine went on last week and her D has a 4.0 in honors and it said HONORS: no. She had to call…it was a computer error. That could affect housing as well as registration. Aren’t these kids lucky to have us :)</p>

<p>i got an Email from Alicia Browne, Kari will be reinstated and off the waiting list. Yay!</p>

<p>Yay!! I would pay the deposit as soon as it’s up. My D’s roommate just got word that she is reinstated too.</p>

<p>They fixed the glitch and the housing is taken care of!</p>

<p>Is housing guaranteed for only the freshman year? How close are off campus residences to the campus? We are OOS considering UA for this fall.</p>

<p>Yes it is guaranteed for Freshmen but Honors students have priority after Freshmen so getting housing the next year is usually not a problem. The University has some nice apts that are close by…even on the Crimson Ride line…so a car would not be needed. There are other apts within walking distance to campus. If your student will not be living on campus for their soph year…they need to be looking for housing around October of their freshmen year to get the best selection.</p>

<p>Hi everyone! My DD is all set to attend Bama in the Fall. We are from central FL and my concern is in selecting an honors dorm that doesn’t close for every holiday. My DD is currently a NMSF, if that matters. Also, is there a dorm where she could remain all 4 years? Thank you for your help.</p>