Fall 2012 Transfer or Spring 2013 Transfer????

<p>I am currently a Freshman in college and I want to transfer to University of Wisconsin-Madison as soon as possible.</p>

<li><p>If I apply for fall 2012, how would my transcript be turned in on time with all my credits with spring 2012 and fall 2011 (requirement says I need at least 24 credits)?</p></li>
<li><p>If so, will it be too late to turn in my application for fall 2012? The deadline says february 2012, but I am not sure if all the spots will be filled up by now?</p></li>
<li><p>When is the earliest I can turn in my application for Spring 2013?</p></li>

<p>You only need to get your complte application (all materials) in by the deadline for equal consideration. Space available not the same issue as for freshman admissions as transfers usually won’t be competing for spaces in the same introductory courses. You need to complete the 24 credits before starting on the UW campus, not before you apply. Of course you won’t have completed spring semester and your admission will be based on this semester’s grades but can be rescinded if you do poorly or don’t complete the credits next spring.</p>

<p>Go ahead and apply for next fall. Get all of the paprerwork needed in by the deadline and do your best this semester. Check the UW credit transfer worksheet on the UW transfer admissions website to see how your current U’s credits will transfer. The only reason to delay your transfer plans is if you are taking any 3 semester course sequences you would like to finish there. It could be easier for a calculus sequence, for example. Information on spring semester applications will be on the site as well. There is an advantage to transferring in the fall. Fall is when new freshmen start and the entire campus is geared to orienting students with many extra helpful activites that won’t be available in winter.</p>

<p>I highly appreciate your input wis! Also, it was very helpful. Currently, I am working on essay.</p>