Fall 2013 NMF stipend question

<p>Hi All! Has anyone’s kiddo gotten their NMF stipend yet this semester? D1 & I are sure that it usually lands earlier than this, and before she questions it I want to check with y’all. It <em>could</em> be a snafu since she had to defer her Spring stipend due to her sojourn with the Mouse, but everyone involved said things were set up correctly.</p>

<p>Also, any word on the # of freshman NMF’s this year?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>It usually shows up by mid-Sept. I would contact Scholarships and ask. Sounds like last semester’s issue may have caused the hiccup. Did you submit whatever’s req’d to NMCorp last Spring to continue getting the stipend.</p>

<p>Oh yes; it was a saga with a bit of a slip up on UA’s end, but we have all the paperwork from UA and NMSC saying all was well for the Fall. What D1 is hearing from her fellow NMF’s (at least at the end of September) was that no one had gotten them yet; if that’s the case she’ll just wait, but if everyone else’s has hit the bank then she’ll follow up. Which is why I’m hoping to hear from someone with a current NMF student to see what the situation is.</p>

<p>My D stipend was credited to our credit card on Sept. 10. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>My son’s NMF stipend was posted on September 10th also.</p>

<p>^^^Gracias! I’ll let D know :)</p>

<p>I have no idea when it was posted (how can you tell?), but my S’s stipend is credited.</p>

<p>If the account was at 0$ when they posted then it went to +$500. If you didn’t have a direct deposit setup to an account then they cut a check. They would have held the check for a couple of weeks and then they mailed it.</p>

<p>If you look back through the account credits and debits you can see it there.</p>

<p>Yeah, on the student account page credits & debits it isn’t listed, but if you look on the FA page, it’s there for Fall 2013 & Spring 2014. Someone probably just needs to lift a hold…</p>

<p>RobD are you saying it is showing on account? We haven’t seen my DD’s post yet. I asked her about it over the weekend as I received an email from accounts payable. I think those are health center charges, but Idk. Was hoping NMF $$ would be there to cover them.</p>

<p>Hi Catfan! It isn’t showing under the student billing/pay your bill link (where all the credits and debits usually show up.) It’s also not listed as a projected credit.</p>

<p>If you look on the Financial Aid awards link (under the student tab) for the 2013-14 year, it’s showing up as one of 3 scholarships that have been “accepted” for the year (the tuition piece, the housing piece, and the stipend piece.) </p>

<p>I just texted D to let her know it wasn’t just her and she let me know she’d checked in with one of her fellow NMF buds, and he hasn’t gotten it either. I wonder if it’s just some seniors that are having the issue? </p>

<p>D is going to reach out to the lovely staff member who took care of her NMF reinstatement paperwork over the summer. If she gets any answers, I’ll pass them along.</p>

<p>Thanks RobD, We found the missing money. It had been spent on fees and football. So all is good. I guess when it posted there was a balance I hadn’t paid after the fall schedule was confirmed. In the past a check had always come to house, but my DD managed to spend it first this time. :)</p>