<p>I will be applying this year and just wanted to get an idea of how good of anchance i have. Share any opinion/advice you have. Thanks!</p>
<p>Applying to: UCB, UCLA, UCI
(my number one choice is UCLA)</p>
<p>Major: Political Science
GPA: 3.8-3.9 by end of fall this year
Major GPA: 4.0
IGETC: yes
TAP: yes
TAG: no
ECs: plan to join the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society this spring which acts as a club and a source of community service. (what worries me is that I dont have any ECs currently and will be in the honor society starting just now. how important are the ECs?!)</p>
<p>anchance = a chance*</p>
<p>If you’re applying this year, do you mean Fall 2012?</p>
<p>you have a very good chance at all schools. good luck
just remember to get good grades this fall it’s the most important semester before you transfer!</p>
<p>Hey guys I recently applied to UCLA Chemistry as a transfer student from socal.</p>
<p>My IGETC will be complete prior to transfer.</p>
<p>I currently have a 3.5 GPA.</p>
<p>My core classes I have taken and the grades I received are as follows:</p>
<p>General Chemistry 1 and 2 – A Organic Chemistry 1-- B Calculus 1 – A Calculus 2 – B Physics (mechanics with Calculus) – B</p>
<p>Courses that I am taking now : Organic Chemistry 2 Multivariate Calculus Physics (electrical with calculus)</p>
<p>Thanks for chancing me</p>
<p>I’m pretty much in the same boat as you, but my stats are slightly higher than yours- 3.95 GPA. I guess if you follow the upcoming fall 2012 acceptance thread you’ll see whether or not I got accepted.</p>