Fall 2013 transfers?

<p>I would reccomend that you spend some time talking with advisors concerning a double major in Finance and Poli Sci. I believe that would be extremely difficult given that you’d be starting a 2nd year student and need to take pre-business classes, then apply to College of Business. I’m not saying it’s not possible, I just don’t understand how you’d do it in 4 or 5 years due to requirements of number of credit hours in each college (L&S and Business). Not as easy at Wisc. than other schools. Please don’t make any decisions on what I’m saying just do some research.</p>

<p>Thanks. I am only applying as a Political Science major right now. I plan on pursuing a pre-business track in my second year but that is not set in stone.</p>

<p>Accepted yesterday!</p>

<p>I also got accepted as a junior level transfer on Wednesday. Still waiting on the nursing school’s decision…</p>

<p>WOW, are you guy applying Fall 2013? SO FAST… when did you apply?</p>

<p>I applied October 15th.</p>

<p>Yea, I also applied super early, maybe in October. I didn’t submit my Fall 2012 grades until early January. My stats also made it highly unlikely that I wouldn’t get into UW Madison as a whole (though for the nursing school they’re less certain).</p>

<p>wow. I submitted neat the deadline… Congrats guys! :)</p>

<p>Anybody hear back yet?</p>

<p>3.84 GPA (39 credits) in State University of New York
2 letters of recommendations from professors
Fine essay
Apply to business major</p>


<p>Applied end of November. </p>

<p>High school GPA: 3.8
Didn’t submit my ACT
Honor Society in high school & college, plus other clubs </p>

<p>Community college GPA (16 credits): 3.76
2 Letters of Recommendation
Fine essays </p>


<p>Has anyone else heard???</p>

<p>Not yet :frowning:
I think they are reviewing students who applied super early around october and november.</p>

<p>Got accepted around 7 P.M. I was pretty sure I would. 4.0 College GPA; 29 ACT; business club member… yada yada. Applied late January. Not sure if I will attend though. Good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>w t f you applied in late January? I applied in late November and still haven’t heard. Thought UW did rolling admissions?</p>

<p>Lol. Are you somebody who should clearly get accepted? Because with a 4.0 college GPA at another UW school… I think it was probably a pretty quick admit for them. So they probably briefly glanced at mine and hit “admit”. At least that was my presumption.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s true. No I’m out of state and I only got a 3.76 college, 3.8 high school. God I hate waiting</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the latest is that someone could apply as a late transfer for Fall of 2013? A friend of mine is thinking of applying and I think someone on here mentioned that they do accept late applications.</p>

<p>Im dying waiting for this. Anyone else find out yet?</p>

<p>Just wondering if anyone has heard back? I applied November 2nd, and feel like I should know by now…</p>

<p>I applied in January, and the website says they would notify by the end of April. I’m an out of state student FYI</p>