Fall 2013 transfers?

<p>I applied end of November but I didnt send mine 1st semester college grades until the middle of January. Still haven’t heard</p>

<p>I received an email today, saying that my decision has been postponed. They say I have not been admitted nor denied and that it’s not the same as being on the wait list. I am still not entirely sure what this means, but I am trying my best to stay positive and optimistic.</p>

<p>I just got accepted!</p>

<p>bummer uschopeful: limbo isn’t fun. Congrats Wiscobadger! You’re a Jr. transfer, right?</p>

<p>im a sophomore transfer @newtocollege</p>

<p>Just got postponed…what does this mean??? its not the same as waitlisted</p>

<p>Hey guys! I’m also a transfer applicant. Wanna chance me? </p>

<p>High School GPA: 2.6 (I just took far too much and tried to punch above my weight).
College GPA: 3.6 out of 4.0 after first semester.
Transferable credits: 30 (15 completed, 15 in progress). </p>

<p>And yeah, I’m an international student, from Malaysia :smiley: </p>

<p>Waddaya think? Is my college GPA enough for the counsel ore to not care too much about my HS GPA? (Probably not).
Good luck to everyone else :D</p>

<p>Applied November 2nd… still havent heard? Anyone else as frustrated as I am?</p>

<p>I applied late.
around Feb 4. All materials received Mar 11. Status just changed to " Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors…" extremely nervous …
earned 51 credits
I got 2 Ws in transcript
Freshman GPA 3.7
last semester 3.66 ,but took 3 300+ courses.
GPA 3.69 international student from State University of New York
Physics major
anyone applied late? and kind of layback like me? hahah</p>

<p>Ya I applied later in the process (in January) and all of my things were received by the second week of February. I’m in California so it took a while for my stuff to get there</p>

<p>Found out I got accepted on Monday night. Applied in late November. Be patient, you guys will find out soon!</p>

<p>chicago7890, when did ur Status change to " Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors…" ? r u in state?</p>

<p>Chicago7890, my status change quite some time ago. Probably like late January or February 1st. I applied on November 2nd, and I have still not heard back. I am assuming I should hear back soon because you and a few of my friends have heard back lately. Thought UW did rolling admissions, but I guess not… I am in state and I am sophomore status.</p>

<p>I applied in February 1st.
Is it better to hand in the application earlier?
I’m freshman and going to earn 30 credits at the end of Spring.
GPA:3.51 - FALL

<p>I got accepted last night.</p>

<p>OOS( also an international student in US)
GPA 3.89. CHM.
Essays, I can say they’re bad.’(what ruined my gpa is two Eng courses…I got 2 B.)AND I was the only person who read and edited it…
Few ECs…</p>

<p>Also, my documents were complete on Mar. 7… I thought I won’t get decision until April. </p>

<p>I received an email first, said my decision is available.</p>

<p>Wish you guys all the luck!! just want to share my stats with you guys, since I got lots of help from previous data from others… Good luck guys!</p>

<p>got in last night. i submitted my application in late january and my materials didnt get all confirmed until early-to-mid feb. super excited to be going here next year!</p>

<p>3.5 college GPA
3.1 HS GPA
25 ACT
4’s on AP Micro & Macroecon
very strong statements
2 good letters of rec from college profs and 1 other fantastic one from my AP econ teacher in high school</p>

<p>lexuner and zinger123 my status changed to “being reviewed by a counselor” in early January I think. I’m out of state</p>

<p>3.8 HS
3.76 first semester college
2 rec letters (1 HS teacher, 1 professor)</p>

<p>Got in on Friday! Super lucky and only got in by the Grace of God. (Literally after years of being passive about my faith, I sign up to go on a missionary/evangelizing trip and, absolutely am not joking right here, I receive my acceptance letter within seconds before the bus leaves to go to the destination of our missionary trip. Coincidence? I think not.) God is Good, step out in faith and he will reward you generously. </p>

<p>I applied right before the deadline, Jan 29th, and all my materials were not received until the 21th of Feb. Stats: Out of State
High School Weighted GPA 3.7
ACT 31
3.58 College GPA (U of Iowa)
24 Credits for AP and CLEP Tests (none sent in yet)
Two Rec Letters
Substantial amounts of High School Extra-curriculars, only involved in Cru at Iowa
Including AP and CLEP Tests, College Credits completed total out at 44.<br>
Most likely will be attending Wisconsin, still waiting on Michigan. I applied last year as a freshman, submitted application in November and didn’t hear till April, as you can probably tell I wasn’t accepted. And to be quite honest with you they probably made the right decision last year and the wrong decision this year because I don’t deserve to go to Wisconsin, but only by the Grace of God was I admitted to such a great university as this. Hope to see you all there next year. May God have mercy on all of us in this life and the next!</p>

<p>anybody got accepted these days?</p>

<p>Forgot to post here…found out about three weeks ago I was rejected. 3.93 at a smaller UW. Whoever says a high GPA at an in state is a for sure in was wrong. So I’m sticking it out another semester where I am and maybe I’ll try again.</p>