Fall 2013 transfers?

<p>Have any of you apply for Chemical Engineering or COE receive an email about 2 stages of reviewing and extending to Mid- June :(? I gave up. This is the most hopeless waiting that I have never been through!</p>

<p>I got the same E-mail. I am gonna accept ChemE offer from UIUC.</p>

<p>Everyone got their decision yet?</p>

<p>I haven’t received anything yet!!! It’s getting ridiculous!!!</p>

<p>Has anyone heard any decision yet? I didn’t :((</p>

<p>I finally got it!!! At 7:20pm!!! I’m in!!! GPA 3.88, 44 credits!</p>

<p>Have you tried to call them yet? Maybe they all move the decision deadline to mid may but they havent sent emails to anounce that</p>

<p>I was accepted on like 3/15. I submitted my application around 1/28 right before the deadline.
Psychology major at UW-Milwaukee
Junior transfer
HS GPA: 3.38, strong downward trend
College GPA: 3.39, steady trend
ACT: 31
29 Math
33 English
ECs: Counseling troubled kids in the inner city/leading group therapy
One stellar letter of recommendation
Risky essay about my own mental illness, but I thought it was pretty good.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Anyone else out there that still hasn’t heard back?</p>

<p>I got my rejection today :(. Well I kinda knew it would be like this. But feel weird cuz I got rejected from College of letters n Science while not a long time ago COE contacted me for additional information n told me they will review my app in early June so the decision would not be available by mid June. But I guess I am not qualified for Chemical Engineering school when even General school rejected me. Still sad though:(</p>

<p>What are my chances fall 2014:</p>

<p>high school gpa 3.5 out of 4.0
took some college credits in high school
extremely involved with sports,clubs, and volunteering </p>

small private school in mn
projected gpa 3.7-3.84 out of 4.0
ill have about 41 credits at the end of the year</p>

<p>ill have two letters of rec
good essays
not going to submit act (kinda low)
still involved with sports and volunteering</p>

<p>good chances???</p>