Fall 2013 transfers?

<p>Congrats!!! Did they send you an notification email or u just checked their website? I’ve been waiting for 3 weeks already. :(</p>

<p>Thanks! I waited for a whole month since my status changed. I usually checked their website at 8 pm. Same as yesterday and the email arrived 9 minutes later.</p>

<p>Still waiting! :(</p>

<p>Still waiting :frowning: On the bright side, we will find out for sure in 12 days.</p>

<p>Yeah. Some people who have heard back from the school overall are still waiting on specific major/college admission decisions. Blahhhhh.</p>

<p>Just wondering, when abouts are people hearing back? 1 month after review? 3 Weeks? 2 Weeks? My application has been under review for a month as of today, and still nothing :(</p>

<p>Springerdude11, I think there’s a really wide range. I heard back in February 11th and had submitted all my final transcripts by early January. Some people have gotten postponed for multiple months. Best of luck!</p>

<p>7 weeks and no news yet :(. Have the feeling that they process UW-Madison degree granted department first. Hope there is still space in CBE department. What a stressful waiting!</p>

<p>They have to get to us by the end of the week, right? They wouldn’t really go until the absolute last day of April, would they?</p>

<p>It’s killing me that it is taking so long. Has anyone else heard anything?
Also, are they sending them out in waves, or is it a pretty rolling basis?</p>

<p>I asked them before, and they told me that they make decisions every day. My file has been reviewed for a month. I dunno why it takes so long, while they make decisions daily. I’ve already given up on checking the status. 8 days to go.</p>

<p>Accepted 4/19!</p>

<p>Marquette freshman, 24 AP credits, 18 completed, 17 in progress.
4.0 GPA, Honors Program
4.0 HS GPA
32 ACT
Much involvement in clubs, activities, etc. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>When have most people been getting their e-mails to check their status?
Do they only send them during office hours (9-5 CST?) Or hav you been getting them at all hours of the night as well (5-9pm?)</p>

<p>It seems like that they’ll really notify the rest of us on the absolute last day – next tuesday. :(</p>

<p>Springerdude11, I can’t speak for everyone, but I received my email at a little after 7 pm CT. I hope you hear back soon!</p>

<p>I received my email in july but mine came in around 8PM</p>

<p>when will the decision come out?</p>

<p>I hope it will come out maximum 3 days.</p>

<p>This tuesday is the last day. Good luck to everyone who has been waiting, including myself!!!</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you guys!!!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone =)</p>