Fall 2016 Exams

I’ll be a freshman in the fall. Also, I recently found out that my sister is getting married on December 9th (the Friday of exam week) and I’ll need to be with her by Wednesday night (Dec. 7). I’d miss my Thursday and Friday exams. Most of my classes will be 100 level with one or two 200 level classes (if I can get them in my schedule). Has anyone had this experience of having to take exams early/late? Like, what are my options? Thanks!

Google “UA final exam policy”
The policy for rescheduling exams is there.
You can also make your way to the actual exam schedule for Fall 2016.
It might also be helpful in scheduling your classes accordingly.
My son is a freshman this year so he has not had any experience trying to change an exam time.
I hope someone can chime in if they have experienced any grace in the rescheduling policy.

There is no real way to know if a professor would allow you to take an exam early. I would say don’t expect to take an exam late because grades are due by December 13. You will already have left campus, according to your post, and exams, even makeup exams ( if allowed), would have to be proctored. You will probably need to resign yourself to missing the additional wedding activities, and schedule classes that will not have a Friday exam. Unfortunately, that is the only option I see, unless your sister wants to change her wedding day.

Personally I have 3 degrees - BS, MS, MBA and my son is now in the 4th year, so I have lots of experience with finals. Although I am sure there are exceptions, personally I do not know of any professor who will reschedule a final for anything other than an illness documented by a doctor. Do not expect that professors will allow you to reschedule for any other reason.

That being said, there are a lot of courses that don’t have finals for one reason or another - some have projects instead of finals that can be completed earlier or later, some allow you to drop your lowest exam grade, so if you score well enough on earlier exams you can opt to skip and take a 0 and then that grade will be dropped, also some courses have their last test during ‘dead week’ and do not schedule an exam during finals week. However you will not know if those are possibilities until you review the course syllabus or speak with the instructor.

@jrcsmom has given you very good advice. There really is no way to know how accommodating a professor will be but it is best to assume that you will need to be present if a final exam is required. Your sister might have to adjust her schedule.

You can find the final exam schedule for Fall 2016 here: http://registrar.ua.edu/academiccalendar/

As suggested above, you could try to schedule your classes such that you will not have any that have exams scheduled for Thursday and Friday. Of course, that may not work perfectly, as some classes don’t have final exams and there is always the possibility that an exam time will be changed (although that would usually be on the syllabus available at the beginning of the semester). Do not count on being able to reschedule your exams. Some professors are incredibly accommodating, some will only reschedule if you’re on death’s door, and still others are somewhere in between. I don’t think whether a class is a 100 or 200 level will have any bearing on whether you are able to reschedule an exam.