@lynammo…would this have any impact on your decision for other colleges as well? If you were an honors student admitted to UCI or UCSD because of your honors status it could jeopardize your admission there.
@LynAmmo Thanks for your detailed reply. I understand the alternate major part (I even put that on the application myself), but… it boosts your chance by 3-4 times? A 20% to a 70-80% seems like a major leap… It helps calm my mental state a bit though.
@lebelle90 I should also stress that it depends on your major. For example, if you’re computer science? Good luck loll, but it does help more than it hurts so why not >:D<
@LynAmmo Of course, I’m well aware! My major is in the Letters and Sciences, (thought I believe there is a Linguistics and Computer Science major in the colleges of Letters and Sciences) so hopefully TAP helps me. Thank you, and good luck to you.
@lebelle90 good luck to you too!
@LynAmmo @lebelle90 are you sure they’ll consider an alt major? I thought you could only put one if you were in a specific program…TAP I think? I’m not sure, but I guess it doesn’t hurt.
@lexluther96 Correct. They’ll only consider an alt major if you’re in the UCLA TAP program, and your alt major should not be an impacted major and I believe… in Letters and Sciences (don’t quote me on this one, I would make sure).
I’ve never seen this major students until now! lol it’s just me. ppl are mostly cs,econ or psych major.
I feel so nervous :’(
@LynAmmo Don’t you have a really strong application either way? Why do you even need that Honors enrichment course or whatever it is
@mightyMETA I thought I was at 54 units at the end of fall 2016, but I was actually at 50 because they don’t take both College Algebra and Pre-Calculus, they only take one. I am taking 12 units this semester because I dropped 2 classes (due to personal and financial reasons). 9 of those units are GUARANTEED to transfer, but the 3 unit honors HEP 201 course is on a case by case basis. My counselor said UCLA usually takes that class, but not to include it in my 60 just in case they don’t. I was accepted to UCSB and they didn’t take it so they sent me a letter. I was also accepted to UCSD and they haven’t sent me anything back, so that’s a good sign. I added another 3 unit course to my schedule, but that was after March 31st and UCLA are no longer taking TAUs, so they don’t know that I’m above 60 units now. I’m already preparing my appeal letter if it comes to that, I hope it doesn’t :((
@lexluther96 Yes, they’ll consider an alt major if you’re in TAP.
@enpz45 TAP could only help you, there is no downside to being in it.
@LynAmmo Oh I see, so what will come out of the wash is that you will have completed over 60 transferable units by the end of spring even without the HEP course? I think that should be fine; if it comes to the appeals process then you are basically one of the few people it was actually designed for and you should get in either way.
@mightyMETA With what they see I’m at 59 units (without the HEP) because I begged a professor to join a class after the TAU deadline. If they accept the HEP course then I’ll be at 62 units, but hopefully I’ll get in with you guys; otherwise cashhh me at the appeals thread B-)
@LynAmmo Contact ucla using your admission site as soon as possible.
@LynAmmo Oh I see, well you know which site to use to officially report changes to your application right? I had to use it myself because I forgot to report a W.
@mightyMETA which site!!
@andrewjchang @mightyMETA Oh nevermind, I thought it was a different site other than the MyUCLA site.
Wow i just got rejected to ucsb which absolutely shocked me. Now I’m SORT of worrying. It’s just concerns me because if I can’t get in to SB how can I get in to LA? Despite knowing I have a 70% chance of getting into LA.
Hi guys! Do any of you know if it’s possible to start taking classes at UCLA the summer after you get admitted? I know as transfers we’re technically supposed to start Fall Quarter but are there any ways to get around that?