@JaketheSnake13 What’s your major and GPA?
@LynAmmo I was an anthro major with a 3.53 GPA.
@JaketheSnake13 What are your stats?
@JaketheSnake13 I think with TAP you should be ok. It’s pretty much a 50/50 shot with any of us depending on who’s reviewing you application, how they’re feeling, how many people applied this semester, etc.
Anthro Major with a 3.53 GPA.
IGETC and Pre-Reqs: Completed this Spring
TAP: Yes
Tutors 2 ESL Kids
President of College Ministry at my Church
Kindergarten Teacher at Church
I did have 4 W’s and got 2 C’s in the fall semester
Had a 3.7 GPA prior to TAU
@JaketheSnake13 is the 70% chance you’re assuming because of TAP?
@LynAmmo Ya the process is random and there are cases of people getting rejected to CSULB or UCSC and gets accepted to LA. I just think of it as disheartening because if you can’t get in to SB why bother of getting accepted to LA. But thanks for your moral support best of wishes to you!
@jae2017 yes if you are in TAP your chances increases to 70% You can ask the person in charge of your school’s transfer center.
@JaketheSnake13 Thank you! Just wanted to clarify. I actually am on TAP but my first choice major is impacted. Hopefully, it helps me with my alt major, even if I don’t have all the prereqs for that one (Linguistics).
@transferrr222 UCLA has a summer program that allows you to stay in the dorms and take 12 units. You don’t have to dorm if you don’t want to, but it’s recommended because of the heavy course load. I think that the programs are popular at other UCs as well because UCI also has one. It’s called Transfer Summer Program (TSP).
No problem @jae2017! Best of luck to you. Im not really sure if you need to finish your pre-reqs for your alt major. Dont quote me on that. lol.
@JaketheSnake13 Thank you, and you too! Couple more weeks to go.
As someone who applied to UCLA with Tap this year, I can tell you guys right now that thinking you have a 70% chance just because you completed Tap is incredibly wrong. The honors programs tell you 70% of people get into UCLA with it, but this disregards the fact honors students in general achieve higher grades, thus being more likely to be admitted. Additionally your major plays a large role (if it’s impacted) and the statistic says nothing about getting in with your first or second choice major. It definetly does give us an advantage but thinking it’s a 70% chance regardless of your gpa and chosen major is unfortunately very wrong. Talking to my honors counselor, for UCLA, it effectively would lower the nescarry gpa for admittance by .02-.05 points.
@GoHaasOrGoHome Definitely agree with you. I’ve never heard of the 70% thing which is why I wanted to clarify. I know TAP gives you a little bit of an advantage, but not putting all my hopes on that. That said, my GPA is fairly decent, so crossing my fingers!
@GoHaasOrGoHome What majors did you apply to?
@jae2017 I applied for Business Econ with a 4.00. I didn’t choose an alternate because that’s the only one I’m interested in, at UCLA.
What majors did you apply for??
@GoHaasOrGoHome I did Communications, which is very impacted. I have a 3.9-4.0 depending on what UCLA will transfer over. I chose Linguistics as my alt major, which is less impacted. I chose it because I actually am interested in it, and I felt like it is a close second to Comm.
@jae2017 Yeah I’ve heard communications is very hard to get into, but it seems like you definetly have a good chance with those stats & TAP. Nice to know you have an alternate that you’re at least interested in also as a back up. The only other one that was a possibility for me was Econ, but I couldn’t choose that as my alt.
Best of luck.
@GoHaasOrGoHome Yeah, I stated previously that impacted majors and your gpa plays a factor. The TAP program gives you priority consideration and an option to be considered for your alternate major which boosts up your chances if your first choice is an impacted one. I was surprised when I heard the stats the first time too, but I talked with counselors and a UCLA representative about the program before I joined and that’s what they stated. I doubt they would misinform me, but that’s what I have to go on.
Do anyone can login MyUCLA? Today some sections become available, such as My UCLA status,BruinCard Balance