How does MyUCLA work? like how do you sign up if you’re not a current student or admitted student?

@kkus2013 I’m pretty sure applicants don’t have access to my UCLA, if you’re talking about the my application status portal then no I don’t see anything different, is that the case for anyone else?

@UCLAorUCBTRNSFR As long as you have your UCLA student ID number. You can create your MyUCLA account from https://my.ucla.edu/
and Since this forum does not allow us to talk about UCLA admission trick, I cannot tell you the detail, but you can google it.
Maybe just waiting for the decision come out is the best way to do, but I am so anxiety.

@kkus2013 Oh jeez now I’m scared. I just got an email from all the UCs and now you’re seeing stuff on your portal :((

@kkus2013 Where did you get your student ID number?

I definitely could create the myUCLA account, I did this long time ago, but when I signed in, it says I dont have the access to the site yet. So you can create an account and all that, but thats all you can do.

@andrewjchang @kkus2013

where did you find your ucla student id number?

I was able to just create a guest account but that’s not linked to my application.

@andrewjchang same! It says I don’t have access :frowning: how do I get the ID number?

Theres no student ID, how can you have a student ID when you are not admitted yet. I have no idea what that person was taking about. I used my UC application ID to create the acount. After you log in, it tells you that “We determined that you dont have the access to MyUCLA”. On the top right, it says MyUCLA is only available to admitted and continuing students. But I dont bother checking it. Just wait for the decision guys. If you want to report something, use the UCLA admission portal.

If your CCC honors advisor filed a UCLA TAP form for you back in Jan/Feb, your student ID should be on the form.

Oh thats why. It is only for “students” of UCLA, since you joined in the TAP program, you are a student of one of their programs. A regular transfer student wont have access to the website, but I think your access is limited to certain services only.
“MyUCLA services are limited to undergraduate, graduate and professional students who have been officially admitted to UCLA, UCLA Alumni, UCLA University Extension students who have petitioned for concurrent enrollment, UCLA Summer Sessions students, UCLA instructors, current UCLA staff, and third party account holders that have been granted services by a UCLA student.”

@JaketheSnake13 could be the downward trend in fall. Hard to say what could be the cause.

@LynAmmo https://www.admission.ucla.edu/ContactForm/Applicant.aspx

This one

@LynAmmo lol there’s nothing on my portal either, sounds like another obsessive thing this board is doing. I personally think you’ll get in

So based on what I just read here…regents invitations could start sometime next week, correct?? doesn’t feel real how little time we have left to wait now

@mightyMETA I think I need to take a break from this site before I get a heart attack tbh

@JaketheSnake13 i’m an anthro major too with similar stats to yours, i got into UCSB but i think it was marginal. dont lose hope, you’ll know in 2 weeks!

So i’m currently taking honors prep chem and tbh i am on the struggle bus so i might receive a C or i’m thinking about dropping it. will it ultimately hurt my UCLA admissions decisions? i’m at 72 units now and i’ve fulfilled the prereqs for ucla but i just took a science to challenge myself. thoughts?

@juliamarie13 Has your drop date passed? Will it have passed after the 21st? If not, I’d wait until you get your decision and then (if accepted) call and ask if dropping it will result in their revoking an acceptance. It likely will not. I was talking to a transfer who dropped a chem course after being accepted by UCB’s engineering program last year. He asked a counselor and she said yes. If your drop date will pass and it is neither a major pre-req nor an IGETC requirement, you have two options: drop or get a C. If you wan to pursue grad school, I’d say drop it so it doesn’t affect your GPA. If you do not, it’s safer to keep the class and take the C. I don’t think one C will result in UCLA revoking an admission decision, especially if the class doesn’t apply to your major/IGETC. Just make sure to keep your GPA above a 3.0.

@lexluther96 okay! yeah i’m an anthro major (BA) but i’m pursuing business school/accounting masters after my undergrad and i doubt i’ll need a chem class. the drop period is in may at my school, so we’ll see. i can probably settle for the C and still get a 3.5 but just want to be safe. did the UCB transferred ended up staying or dropping the chem course?