Fall 2023 Georgetown Transfer

Any updates?

Based on historical data, I think the bulk of decisions will be released either tonight or tomorrow night.

Anyone hear anything ?

Yes they emailed the aid offer separately

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They will email the information about aid separately if you get in

Ok so if i did not receive any emails from them, then I should assume rejection ?

They’ll post a status update in your application portal regardless if you are admitted or rejected. Unless you hear from them, I wouldn’t assume anything. Their website says that they will publish decisions before June 1st. Hopefully, we hear something soon, but I’m afraid that for now, all you can do is be patient and hope for the best.

Got an email at 6:15, waitlisted to Georgetown college

Waitlisted too

Anyone got an offer ? Any movement on waitlist ? My son on WL for SFS ( transfer to Sophomore)

I have not seen anyone get an offer yet. I am on waitlist for Georgetown College

Thank you for replying
And Best Wishes to you.

Update was just sent. Put on extended waiting list. Not sure what that really entails, but not rejected.

Yes my son too put on extended waitlist but he is going to decline . He has accepted NYU and need to finalise on housing etc
Best wishes to you .

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Also extended waitlist. Congrats on your son’s NYU acceptance though, awesome school!

Thank you and Best wishes

Has anybody on the extended waitlist heard anything?

Nothing yet except for a request for Fall course descriptions.

I heard back and was accepted for spring 2024. I have already transferred to a new college, so I am not sure if i will accept this offer.

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