Fall Admission Deadline

<p>Um, wow. I feel like a complete idiot. I have no idea how I didn’t notice until now that the Fall '09 deadline was Nov. 1…</p>

<p>So it’s too late?</p>

<p>Oh well. Just opens up a slot to audition somewhere else. Gotta see it as a good thing. :)</p>

<p>The deadline for fall auditions was Nov. 1. The deadline for spring auditions is Jan. 1. You should be fine. I cut and pasted from the website below.</p>

<p>The application and audition fee must be postmarked by November 1 for fall audition dates; and by January 1 for spring audition dates.</p>

<p>Ohhh, audition dates- not actual admission? That’s what I originally thought. I think I’ve been staring at applications too long today, lol</p>

<p>Thank goodness! Thanks. :]</p>